歌词 "Life In A Tenement Square" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Life In A Tenement Square



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Well I kissed the day, I was on my way 嗯,我吻了一天,我在我的方式

From those cold gray blocks of stone 从石头的冷灰块

For seventeen years of squalor filled tears 十七年的肮脏充满泪水

A time now with innocence lost 现在的天真一时间失去了

As the sun split the room 作为太阳分裂间

With its rays filled with gloom 凭借其光线黯淡无光

Turnin' all hope to despair 撇开所有的希望到失望

And the only thing left 而唯一剩下的东西

Was to flee from the nest 从窝逃离

That was Life In A Tenement Square: 这是生活在某物业方:


I remember the song where the rats sang along 我记得那里的老鼠一起唱这首歌

And danced for their daily bread 跳舞对他们每天的面包

While the damp washed the walls 而潮湿的清洗墙壁

That were twenty feet tall 这是两丈多高

Not a child in the house was fed 没有一个孩子在家里喂

On the porter filled face 在搬运工面部填充

Of the men left a trace 男人的遗踪

Of the coin they had already spent 硬币,他们已经花了

While our mothers asked God 虽然我们的母亲问上帝

What was Hell ever for 什么是地狱的过

When you lived in a Tenement Square 当你住在一个大杂院广场


Grab what's left of the coal 抢什么留下的煤

From the ol' cubbyhole 从OL “文件架

These cinders need more to be a fire 这些煤渣需要更多的是火

While the ghosts of the soldiers 虽然士兵的鬼魂

That lived there before us 我们之前住在这里

Laugh with their guns by their side 他们一边笑他们的枪

I hear them laugh, with their guns by their side 我听到他们笑,他们的枪自己身边


Now politicians they dwell 现在他们住的政治家

In that forgotten Hell 在那被遗忘的地狱

Our misery's been turned into mews 我们痛苦的变成了马厩

Where the fat of the land 凡土地的脂肪

Now hog, hand-in-hand 现在生猪,手牵手

A crime now of life was ever true 某种犯罪,现在的生活是永远正确

As the sun split the room 作为太阳分裂间

With its rays filled with gloom 凭借其光线黯淡无光

Turnin' all hope to despair 撇开所有的希望到失望

And the only thing left 而唯一剩下的东西

Was to flee from the nest 从窝逃离

That was Life In A Tenement Square... 这是生活在某物业广场...

歌词 Life In A Tenement Square 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/life-in-a-tenement-square/

歌词 Life In A Tenement Square 的作者与版权信息:


George Schwindt, Matthew Hensley, David King, Nathen Maxwell, Bridget Regan, Robert Schmidt


26f Gellert Hill Music, Twentysixf Music