歌词 "Let's Get Dead" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Let's Get Dead



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Avoid the dreadful guillotine, 避免了可怕的断头台,

you know you've got to get this right 你知道你要得到这个权利

Where's the poison in your words? 哪里是你的话的毒药?

You can kiss yourself goodnight 你可以亲吻自己的晚安

Jet black lipstick and a look in your eyes, 乌黑的唇膏和你的眼睛一看,

you're running out of time 你的时间不多了

Lay your heart out 把你的心脏出

Let's get dead and start over again 让我们死了,再从头开始

Get your revenge 让你的报复

Don't let them get much further 不要让他们更进一步得到

because they are getting away with murder 因为他们越来越远谋杀

C'mon c'mon I dare to you impress me 来吧,来吧,我就敢对你打动我

Honey all that I'm suggesting is you'll soon go out of style 亲爱的一切,我的建议是,你很快就会走出去的风格

Tick tock tick tock you're just wasting my time, 滴答滴答你只是浪费我的时间,

I haven't got all night 我没有得到一整夜

Lay your heart out 把你的心脏出

Let's get dead and start over again 让我们死了,再从头开始

Get your revenge 让你的报复

Don't let them get much further 不要让他们更进一步得到

because they are getting away with murder 因为他们越来越远谋杀

Let's get dead c'mon! 让我们死了,拜托!

歌词 Let's Get Dead 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/let_s-get-dead/

歌词 Let's Get Dead 的作者与版权信息:


Anthony Barro, Russell Dixon, Ashley Hittesdorf


Reservoir Media Music, Sandy'S Daughter, Fritz The Sausage King, Anthony Barro Designee, Reservoir 416