歌词 "Let Me Oh" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Let Me Oh



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Intro] [简介]

Ok here we go 好了我们开始吧

Freestyle friday number nine 自由式周五第九号

Now before you jump the gun on anything 现在,你跳什么枪前

This is suppose to be like a house party type of song 这是假设像歌曲的家庭聚会式

Like 2004, so sing along when you can 如2004年,所以,当你可以跟着唱


[Hook:] [钩: ]

That clock keeps tickin' like a metronome 该时钟不断tickin就像一个节拍器

And my thoughts keep tellin' me to get me home 而我的思绪不断在告诉我让我回家

But my balls keep tellin' me to let me OHH 但是我的球保持在告诉我,让我OHH

OH - just let me OHH OH - 只是让我OHH

That clock keeps tickin' like a metronome 该时钟不断tickin就像一个节拍器

And my thoughts keep tellin' me to get me home 而我的思绪不断在告诉我让我回家

But my balls keep tellin' me to let me OHH 但是我的球保持在告诉我,让我OHH

OH - just let me OHH OH - 只是让我OHH

That clock keeps tickin' like a metronome 该时钟不断tickin就像一个节拍器

And my thoughts keep tellin' me to get me home 而我的思绪不断在告诉我让我回家

But my balls keep tellin' me to let me OHH 但是我的球保持在告诉我,让我OHH

Fuck all that shit just let me GO 全他妈的狗屎让我走


Ohhers and tastemakers, makers no chaser Ohhers和人和潮流创造者,决策者没有追赶者

Gets the blood flowing like a fuckin' pacemaker 得到的血液里流淌着像一个该死的心脏起搏器

Cut the middleman and inhale the vapors 削减中间商,吸入蒸气

Mad men (ha ha) oh ten don drapers 广告狂人(哈哈)哦10不要带式输送

Cut the jukebox on make sure the woofers blow, blow 削减确保低音喇叭吹,吹的点唱机

We gon' sit here until them heffers go, go 我们会去坐在这里,直到他们heffers走,走

Holler at the tens, then spend a little dough 奥莱在几十,然后再花一点点面团

Not on them, no, they can buy their own drinks (ohhh) 没有他们,没有,他们可以自己买饮料( Phoebe:哦)

Shake that work week off, 5 days in the bucket 动摇的工作休息一周, 5天斗

Fuck it, you got a boss who's a jerk who doesn't? 他妈的,你有一个老板谁是混蛋谁不?

Throw on some wu-tang bring the mothafuckin' ruckus 扔在一些武当把该死的骚动

There is no pretext we are living and we love it 没有借口,我们的生活,我们爱它

On a budget nevermind, we just nudge it to the side 在预算没关系,我们只是它轻推到一边

Give the kids a little time we are living till' we die 给孩子们一点时间,我们生活,直到“我们死

We are focused and we hustle but we still be getting high 我们的重点,我们喧嚣,但我们仍然可以得到高

No exception to the rule do what you do to get by cause 没有例外做什么你做了事业得到


[Hook] [钩]


At a house party gettin' jammed up 在家庭聚会刚开了卡住了

You are Tony Danza 您是托尼丹扎

When they ask whose the fuckin' boss, put your hand up 当他们问他的该死的老板,把你的手

Never put it down cause you're banging to the anthem 千万不要把它放下,因为你正在敲打的国歌

2010 trend put the iPod on random 2010潮流放iPod的随机

Wonder why it tried to play this instead of Hanson 不知道为什么它试图玩这种代替汉森

Probably cause it gets the people moving like a handgun 可能是因为它得到了让人感动的像手枪

Just like the little white fellas up in Hampden 就像白色的小家伙在汉普登

Happy easter from the mothafuckers livin' in the mansion 复活节快乐从豪宅活着的mothafuckers “


Yea, freestyle friday number nine 是啊,自由泳周五第九号

Thanks to Ratatat for letting me steal their beat 感谢Ratatat让我偷他们的节拍

It was very kind of them 这是非常客气了

They're nice guys 他们是好人

Anyway happy easter weekend I guess, I'm about to go up to Philly 反正复活节快乐周末,我猜,我即将去到费城

I'll tell you why I chose this beat 我会告诉你我为什么选择这个节拍

I was driving around it was really sunny the other day 我开着它周围是真的阳光明媚的一天

And it made me feel like it was a sunday morning after church as a little kid 它让我感到教会后,一个星期天的早晨,就像是一个小孩子

When a my pepper used to buy me and my sister slurpies 当我的辣椒用来买我和妹妹slurpies


[Hook] [钩]


Yea, freestyle friday number nine 是啊,自由泳周五第九号

It is April 2nd, everybody have a great weekend 这是4月2日,大家有一个美好的周末

Go Phills, go Os next week 围棋Phills ,去锇下周

And if you have time go to reverbnation.com/edubble 如果你有时间就去reverbnation.com/edubble

Maybe be a fan on my facebook page 也许是在我的Facebook页面粉丝

Facebook.com/edubhiphop Facebook.com/edubhiphop

Thank you guys for listining 谢谢你们listining

And uh what what was the other thing I was going to say? 还有啊什么什么其他的事情我会说什么?

Damn, this outros are stressful aren't they? 妈的,这outros的压力,不是吗?

Stressful for you, stressful for me 紧张的你,压力对我来说

Stressful for everybody 压力对每个人

Anyway, I got I got to go I gotta do my laundry, I'll seeya 不管怎样,我得到了我得走了,我得做我洗衣服,我会seeya

歌词 Let Me Oh 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/let-me-oh/