歌词 "Leaving For Paris No. 2" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Leaving For Paris No. 2



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I'm leaving for Paris, no I don't think that I'll see you 我要离开了巴黎,不,我不认为我会看到你

I'm leaving for Paris, no I don't think that I need to 我要离开了巴黎,不,我不认为我需要

So I'm leaving for Paris, won't you try to take care of yourself? 所以我离开了巴黎,你会不会尝试自己照顾自己?

Just you try to take care of yourself, 'cause I'm leaving 只要你尽力照顾好自己,因为我要离开

Yes, I'm leaving for Paris 是的,我要离开巴黎


I pray you won't follow through the crooked streets behind me 我祈祷你会不会通过我身后的弯曲街道跟随

I pray you won't follow, like so many who I've roamed there 我祈祷你不会跟进,像这么多的谁,我有漫游

So I'm leaving for Paris, don't you try to find out where I am 所以我离开了巴黎,你不尝试找出我在哪里

Just you try to take care of yourself 只要你尽力照顾好自己

'Cause I'm leaving, yes I'm leaving 因为我要走了,是的,我要离开

'Cause I'm leaving, yes I'm leaving for Paris 因为我要离开,是的,我要离开巴黎

Goodbye 再见

歌词 Leaving For Paris No. 2 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/leaving-for-paris-no-2/

歌词 Leaving For Paris No. 2 的作者与版权信息:


Rufus Wainwright


Put Tit On Music, WB Music Corp.