歌词 "Learning The Hard Way" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Learning The Hard Way



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Summer came too early 夏天来了太早

Springtime came too late 春天来得太晚了

The weather went from freezing 冰冻天气去

To bleached out summer days 要漂白了的夏天

Hold up in your bedroom 举起你的卧室

Hangin like two thieves 犹豫不决,就像两个贼

Countin up the hours 报数了小时

For the perfect time to leave 完美的时候离开


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Woooo Hooo Woooo HOOO

We're learning the hard way 我们正在学习困难的方式

Woooo Hooo Woooo HOOO

It just don't matter what they say 这就是不不管他们怎么说


Nightime through this desert 通过这个沙漠被安排到

Drivin straight out west 驱车直出西

Stop for gas and coffee 停气和咖啡

You close your eyes for rest 你闭上眼睛休息

I wonder what your dreaming 我不知道你的梦

Why we're half way cross this bridge 为什么我们在半路上跨过这道坎

We've come too far too turn back 我们已经走过太远回头

We're just too close to quit 我们只是太接近退出


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Woooo Hooo Woooo HOOO

We're learning the hard way 我们正在学习困难的方式

Woooo Hooo Woooo HOOO

It just don't matter what they say 这就是不不管他们怎么说

Woooo Hooo Woooo HOOO

We're learning the hard way 我们正在学习困难的方式

Woooo Hooo Woooo Hooo Woooo HOOO Woooo HOOO


[Guitar Solo] [吉他独奏]


Pent up in your bedroom 压抑在你的卧室

Hangin like two thieves 犹豫不决,就像两个贼

Countin up the hours 报数了小时

For the perfect time to leave 完美的时候离开


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Woooo Hooo Woooo HOOO

We're learning the hard way 我们正在学习困难的方式

Woooo Hooo Woooo HOOO

It just don't matter what they say 这就是不不管他们怎么说

Woooo Hooo Woooo HOOO

We're learning the hard way 我们正在学习困难的方式

Woooo Hooo Woooo Hooo Woooo HOOO Woooo HOOO

歌词 Learning The Hard Way 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/learning-the-hard-way/

歌词 Learning The Hard Way 的作者与版权信息:


Jesse Valenzuela


Major Lodge Victory Music