歌词 "Lead Me On" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Lead Me On



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Shoulder to the wheel 肩部到轮

For someone else's selfish gain 对于别人的私利

Here there is no choosing 这里没有选择

Working the clay 工作粘土

Wearing their anger like a ball and chain 穿自己的愤怒像一个球和链条


Fire in the field 消防在现场

Underneath a blazing sun 下面烈日

Soon the sun was faded 不久,太阳褪色

And freedom was a song 自由是一首歌

I heard them singing when the day was done 我听到他们唱歌的时候,天已完成

Singing to the Holy One 唱歌的圣者


Lead me on, lead me on 带我走,带我走

To a place where the river runs 到河边跑,其中一个地方

Into Your keeping 为您保管

Lead me on, lead me on 带我走,带我走

The awaited deliverance comforts the seeking 在期待已久的拯救安慰求

Lead on 铅对


Bitter cold terrain 苦寒地形

Echoes of a slamming door à关门声的回声

Chambers made for sleeping forever 睡觉永远做室

Voices like thunder 如雷的声音

In a mighty roar 在一个强大的轰鸣声

Crying to the Lord 哭到主


Man hurts man 男人疼男人

Time and time, time again 一次,一次又一次

Though we drown in the wake of our power 虽然我们淹没在我们的力量之后

Somebody tell me why 有人告诉我为什么

歌词 Lead Me On 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/lead-me-on-2/

歌词 Lead Me On 的作者与版权信息:


Wayne Kirkpatrick, Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant


Sony/ATV Milene Music, Word Music LLC, Universal Music - Brentwood Benson Songs