歌词 "Lava Monster" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Lava Monster



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Depression sets in again 抑郁集再次

I know how that goes 我知道如何继续下去

Nothing seems to work out anymore 似乎没有任何工作了出

And you hurt so much 而你伤害了这么多

Feel so helpless 觉得好无奈

Want to crawl into a hole somewhere 要抓取的地方变成一个洞

And just give up 而就放弃

And just give up 而就放弃

And just give up, 而就放弃了,

But I can't let you 但我不能让你

Because you never let me 因为你从来不让我

Let me 让我

You never let me 你从来没让我

You never let me 你从来没让我


And you say your life is useless 你说你的生活是没有用的

And you say this is all meaningless 你说这都是毫无意义的

But I, I know that that is just bullshit 但是我,我知道,那只是胡说

Because you will not give up 因为你不会放弃

Because you will not give up 因为你不会放弃

Give up 放弃

Because the moment that you do, 因为你做的那一刻,

I would give up too 我想放弃过

That's what I'd do 这就是我想要做的

That's what I'd do 这就是我想要做的


And it's not easy when this happens 而这并不容易,当这种情况发生

Fighting something, that you can't see by 战斗的东西,你不能看到


Don't you worry cuz I'll get in there 难道你不担心,因为我会在那里得到

And take some hits for you 并采取了一些命中为您

I'll take some hits for you 我会带一些命中为您

I'll take them all for you 我要他们都为你

I'll take them all for you 我要他们都为你

No more limits 没有更多的限制

No more limits 没有更多的限制


Take them 带他们

Take them 带他们

Take them all for 把他们所有的

And I know your life's not useless 我知道,你的生活是不是没用

And if there's some way, I'd prove it 如果有一些方法,我会证明这一点

When the lava comes 当熔岩来

I swear, I'll block it 我发誓,我会阻止它

It will not touch you 它不会碰你

It will not touch you 它不会碰你

Touch you 抚摸你


And if the lava monster came, 如果熔岩怪物来了,

I would block it's flame from hurting you 我想阻止它的火焰伤害你

From hurting you 从伤害你


He will not hurt you 他不会伤害你

Will not hurt you 不会伤害你

Will not touch you 不会碰你

歌词 Lava Monster 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/lava-monster/