歌词 "Later" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

How could you come with me 你怎么能和我一起去

when you knew all along that you had to go 当你一直都知道,你必须去

How could you watch me sleep so close to you 你怎么能看我睡这么靠近你

pretending not to know 假装不知道

How could you memorize my name 你怎么能记住我的名字

and forget who I am 忘记我是谁

How could you think you're still the same 你怎么会觉得你还是一样

believing I can 相信我可以


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

It's too late to start pretending 为时已晚,开始假装

It's too late for a new beginning 一切都太迟了一个新的开始

Later than the sunset, later than the rain 晚于日落时分,迟雨

Later than I never to love you again 后来比我再也不爱你


How could you ask for more with an innocent smile 你怎么能要求更多了一个无辜的笑容

trusting me to stay 相信我留下来

How could you close the door and leave me here 你怎么能关了门,留下我在这里

supposing I'm ok 假设我确定

How could you breakdown my disguise 你怎么可以这样崩溃我的伪装

and uncover my fears 并发现我的恐惧

How could you look into my eyes 你怎么能看着我的眼睛

ignoring my tears 无视我的眼泪


[Repeat Chorus] [重复合唱]

歌词 Later 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/later-1/