歌词 "Last Time" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Last Time



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Darling, the seasons are changing 亲爱的,季节在变

See now, the leaves, how they die 现在你看,叶子,他们怎么死

Love needs no reason for ending 爱不需要理由结束

Come kiss your baby goodbye. 来亲吻你的宝宝告别。


Darling, the last time you lied, was it really the last time 亲爱的,你骗了一次,当时真的是最后一次

Have all the tears that you cried simply dried up and gone 拥有所有你哭只是干涸,消失了眼泪

All in the world you can hurt anymore is my feelings 所有的世界里,你可以伤害了我的感情

What ever love ever was, never lasted too long. 什么都爱永远是,永远不会持续太长时间。


Maybe the best of our life was the beautiful dreamin' 也许最好的我们的生活是美丽的梦中情人

That conscience was destined to crumble like castles of sand 良心是注定要崩溃像沙子城堡

All there is left of our love is a little girl's laughter 都在那里留下我们爱的是一个小女孩的笑声

Let her keep making believing as long as she can. 让她继续做,只要她能相信。


Now and again I still hear some old song, I don't want to 现在,再次我还是听到一些老的歌,我不想

Is it the same over there where you found your new friends 难道,你发现你的新朋友一样在那边

Sometimes at night I still wake up and feel something missing 有时晚上我还是醒了,感觉缺少点什么

Maybe I'll never believe in forever again. 也许我永远也不会相信天长地久了。


Darling, the seasons are changing 亲爱的,季节在变

See now, the leaves, how they die 现在你看,叶子,他们怎么死

Love needs no reason for ending 爱不需要理由结束

Come kiss your baby goodbye. 来亲吻你的宝宝告别。

歌词 Last Time 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/last-time-7/