歌词 "Last In A Long Lonesome Line" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Last In A Long Lonesome Line



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

If I appear to be holdin' on tight, 如果我出现在紧被牵着,

You'd be right, I've been holdin' on for dear life. 你是对的,我一直牵着亲爱的生活。

The way that it's all been goin', there's talk I just might, 的方式,这一切都被布莱恩 ,有演讲中,我只是可能,

Be the last of, the last in a long lonesome line. 是最后的,最后在很长的寂寞线。


I made mistakes I won't try to defend. 我犯了错,我不会试图捍卫。

God knows what I've been through to get where I am . 上帝知道我经历过让我在哪里。

They say the blood in my body is agein' like wine. 他们说,血液在我的身体agein就像酒。

I'm the last of, the last in a long lonesome line. 我是最后的,最后在很长的寂寞线。


For better or worse, 是好还是坏,

I have lived life so fast. 我住的生活如此之快。

I wasn't the first, 我是不是第一个,

Hate to think I'm the last, 不愿去想我是最后,

Of the last in a long lonesome line. 最后在相当长的寂寞线。


[Instrumental break] [器乐休息]


Tears an' whiskey, yeah, I spilled my share. 泪的“威士忌,是啊,我打翻我的份额。

But it's the music that's kept me goin' through all of these years. 但就是这么的让我布莱恩“通过所有这些年来的音乐。

An' there's some songs still need singin' before closin' time, 一个“有一些歌曲还是需要在欢唱closin的时间之前,

From the last of, the last in a long lonesome line. 从最后的,最后在很长的寂寞线。


For better or worse, 是好还是坏,

I have lived life so fast. 我住的生活如此之快。

I wasn't the first, 我是不是第一个,

Hate to think I'm the last, 不愿去想我是最后,

Of the last in a long lonesome line. 最后在相当长的寂寞线。

Oh, I'm the last of, the last in a long lonesome line. 呵呵,我是最后的,最后在很长的寂寞线。

歌词 Last In A Long Lonesome Line 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/last-in-a-long-lonesome-line/