歌词 "Kreuzberg" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:BLOC PARTY.

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

There is a wall that runs right through me 还有的是通过我跑右墙

Just like the city, I will never be joined 就像城市里,我永远不会加盟

What is this love? Why can I never hold it? 这是什么爱?为什么我从来没有持有吗?

Did it really run out in the strangers' bedrooms? 难道它真的在陌生人间卧室跑出来了?


I í

I have decided 我已经决定

At twenty-five 在25

Something must change 东西必须改变


Saturday night in East Berlin 周六晚上在东柏林

We took the U-Bahn to the East Side Gallery 我们所采取的的U-Bahn到东边画廊

I was sure I'd found love with this one lying with me 我相信我已经找到爱这一个躺在我

Crying again in the old bahnhof 在老火车站又哭了


I í

I have decided 我已经决定

At twenty-five 在25

That something must change 这东西必须改变


After sex 性爱后

The bitter taste 苦味

Been fooled again 又被忽悠

The search continues 继续搜索

歌词 Kreuzberg 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/kreuzberg/