歌词 "Kokomo" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

"Mmmmmmm" “ MMMMMMM ”

In a small fishing village 在一个小渔村

Northeast of Guam 关岛东北

Sits a fine young chap 坐在罚款小伙子

Holding hands with his mom 手牵着手,他的妈妈

As the fish swim by 当鱼游了

So does Joe 所以呢乔

For his body is in Guam 对于他的身体在关岛

But his mind is in Kokomo 但他的心是在科科莫


"Kokomo, Indiana “科科莫,印第安纳

Kokomo, Indiana" 科科莫,印第安纳州“


"mmmmmmmm" “ MMMMMMMM ”

I long to be 我渴望

Inside my home 在我的家

Where the rafters are thick 凡椽厚

With men's cologne 随着男人的古龙水

"men's cologne" “男人的古龙水”

For if I were a tree 因为如果我是一棵树

I know where I would grow 我知道在那里我会成长

But my body is in Guam 但我的身体在关岛


My mind is in Kokomo 我的心是在科科莫


"Kokomo, Indiana “科科莫,印第安纳

Kokomo, Indiana" 科科莫,印第安纳州“


"mmmmmmmm" “ MMMMMMMM ”

It's a large swimming pool 这是一个大的游泳池

That will light up at night 这将点亮夜晚

With cigarette girl 香烟的女孩

And groom dressed in white 而在白色的新郎穿着

"dressed in white" “一袭白衣”

As the organ plays a song 由于器官起着歌曲

The crowd doesn't know 人群中不知道

For their bodies are in Guam 对于他们的身体在关岛

But their minds are in Kokomo. 但他们心里都在科科莫。


"Kokomo, Indiana “科科莫,印第安纳

Kokomo, Indiana" 科科莫,印第安纳州“

歌词 Kokomo 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/kokomo/