歌词 "Kitty Cat Shirt" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Kitty Cat Shirt



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Look at the boy in the kitty kat shirt, 看看男孩的猫咪吉衬衫,

He might be good looking, but he still can't flirt. 他可能是好看,但他仍然无法调情。

Look at the girl in the really tight shirt, 看女孩在紧实的衬衫,

She might be good looking, but her back really hurts. 她可能是很好看,但她的背好痛。


The boy to the girl, says hello 男孩对女孩说你好

And asks her if she wants to go the show. 并问她是否愿意去表演。


The girl tells the boy, okay it's a date, 女孩告诉男孩,还好它是一个日期,

Now pick me up at seven and don't be late. 现在,接我到七,不要迟到。


Well I don't know just whatcha wanna do about it. 好吧,我不知道,只是你会怎样想做些什么。

Been trying hard not to talk about it. 一直在努力很难不谈论它。

I'd only know what you want to do 我只知道你想要做什么

At all. at all. at all. 在所有。在所有。在所有。

Let's talk about it. 让我们来谈谈吧。


The girl gets ready in her best party dress, 这个女孩已经准备好了在她最好的晚礼服,

She looks at the boy and she seems disinterested. 她看着那个男孩,她似乎无私。


She says, by the way, who we going to see? 她说,顺便说一下,谁,我们去看看?

He says, don't you know, its the plain white t's. 他说,你不知道,它的纯白色T的。


(man, I love those guys!) (男人,我爱那些家伙! )


Well I don't know just whatcha wanna do about it. 好吧,我不知道,只是你会怎样想做些什么。

Been trying hard not to talk about it. 一直在努力很难不谈论它。

I'd only know what you want to do 我只知道你想要做什么

Well I don't know just whatcha wanna do about it. 好吧,我不知道,只是你会怎样想做些什么。

Been trying hard not to talk about it. 一直在努力很难不谈论它。

I'd only know what you want to do 我只知道你想要做什么

At all. 在所有。

At all. 在所有。

Let's talk about it. 让我们来谈谈吧。

歌词 Kitty Cat Shirt 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/kitty-cat-shirt/