歌词 "Kiss Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Kiss Me



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Stephen Duffy cover] [史蒂芬·达菲封面]


In my young life I have received 在我年轻的生命我已收到

Callers though they were Christmas Eve 来电者虽然他们的圣诞平安夜

I'm disappointed and I don't know why 我很失望,我不知道为什么

She gave me laughter and hope 她给了我欢笑和希望

And a sock in the eye. 而在眼睛一只袜子。


In my young life I know something now. 在我年轻的生命,我知道的东西了。

I've never tried to create a wow 我从来没有试图创建一个哇

Wows are few frustration more common WOWS少挫折感更常见

Now I can feel it in my soul 现在,我能感觉到它在我的灵魂

That's why I gave the come on. 这就是为什么我把来吧。


Kiss me with your mouth 吻我用你的嘴

Your love is better than wine 你的爱情比酒更美

Kiss me with your mouth 吻我用你的嘴

Your love is better than wine 你的爱情比酒更美

But wine is all I have 但酒是我的全部

Will your love ever be mine? 将你的爱永远是我的?


Faces fall before my feet 脸上落下我的脚前,

Like blood onto a clean white sheet 像血倒在干净的白床单

When I grow old I won't forget 当我老去的我不会忘记

To innocence my only debt 纯真我唯一的债务


Wow I feel so fresh today 哇,我今天感觉很新鲜

Barefoot in the snow to make love in the hay 赤脚在雪地里做了干草的爱

The stars are bright in the abyss 星星都亮了深渊

Now I can feel you in my arms 现在,我能感觉到你在我怀里

I explode inside your kiss. í爆炸你的吻里。


Kiss me with your mouth 吻我用你的嘴

Your love is better than wine 你的爱情比酒更美

But wine is all I have 但酒是我的全部

Will your love ever be mine? 将你的爱永远是我的?


Kiss me with your mouth 吻我用你的嘴

Your love is better than wine 你的爱情比酒更美

Kiss me with your mouth 吻我用你的嘴

Your love is better than wine 你的爱情比酒更美

But wine is all I have 但酒是我的全部

Will your love ever be mine? 将你的爱永远是我的?

歌词 Kiss Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/kiss-me-14/

歌词 Kiss Me 的作者与版权信息:


Yvonne Williams, Jerry Williams Jr, Stephen Duffy


Jerry Williams Music, Sm Publishing Uk Limited