歌词 "King" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

One night at the disco I wanted to dance slow 一天晚上,在迪斯科,我想跳舞慢

I saw a sweet baby, such a fine lady 我看到了一个可爱的小孩,这样的好女人

I walked up to ask her, but some dude just grabbed her 我走上前问她,但有些家伙只是抓住她

I told him to back off, cut me some slack off 我叫他背过,放过我吧关闭

I see you come here, drinkin' that cheap beer 我看你来这里,喝了廉价的啤酒

Act like you own it, I can't condone it 像你拥有它,我不能纵容它

You show me now respect, you got to get off it 你告诉我现在的尊重,你必须下车吧

You got to get with it. Time for a swift kick 你得把它。时间迅速踢

You see, I own this town. You best not come around. 你看,我自己的这个小镇。你最好不要过来。

If you wanna get by, then cool it down. 如果你想获得通过,然后冷却下来。

If you wanna start something, know one thing: I'm king. 如果你想开始的东西,知道一件事:我是王。

If you wanna mess around like that, that's just how it is. 如果你想勾搭这样的,这是它是如何的。

If you wanna get by, then mind your biz. 如果你想获得通过,那么介意你BIZ 。

If you wanna start something, know one thing: I'm king. 如果你想开始的东西,知道一件事:我是王。


You wanted attention and did I mention: 你想关注和我提到:

Nobody likes you, except for the losers 没有人喜欢你,除了输家

You made a whole army, an army of babies 你犯了一个全军,婴儿的军队

Some of them stupid, some of them crazy 他们中的一些愚蠢的,他们中的一些疯狂

Pick up your action, act like a grown man 拿起你的动作,像一个成年男子

Look at the winners, you can be like them 看看获奖者,你可以像他们一样

Life is so easy, pleasant, and dreamy 生命是那么容易的,愉快的,和梦幻般的

If you get off me, if you get with me 如果你得到了我,如果你和我

You see I own this town. You best not come around. 你看,我自己的这个小镇。你最好不要过来。

If you wanna get by, then cool it down. 如果你想获得通过,然后冷却下来。

If you wanna start something, know one thing: I'm king. 如果你想开始的东西,知道一件事:我是王。

If you wanna mess around like that, that's just how it is. 如果你想勾搭这样的,这是它是如何的。

If you wanna get by, then mind your biz. 如果你想获得通过,那么介意你BIZ 。

If you wanna start something, know one thing: I'm king. 如果你想开始的东西,知道一件事:我是王。


You can't break me 你不能打倒我

Never take me 千万不要把我

That's just how it is 这只是它是如何

You can't break me 你不能打倒我

Never shake me 从来没有动摇我

Clear out of my biz 清除我的BIZ的

歌词 King 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/king-11/