歌词 "Killermont Street" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Killermont Street



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

As the city asleep 随着城市睡着了

Shares its dreams and desires 股份公司的梦想和愿望

Every wish that we keep 我们保持每一个愿望

Will trace a line to other times, other places 将跟踪一行其他时间,其他地方

Though the song of the proud 虽然骄傲的歌

Howls and dies, never fall for defeat 嗥叫和死亡,永远不会下降的失败

Take a trip to reprieve 走一趟死缓

Every hour they leave 他们离开每隔一小时

From Killermont Street 从Killermont街


Drink a drink to before 喝饮料前

And our memories spill 和我们的记忆蔓延

Adding on as they pour 增加对他们倒

From our Saturdays and secret sensations 从我们的周六和秘密的感觉

Drink a drink to tonight 喝一喝今晚

Whisky words tumble down in the street 威士忌的话在大街上滚落下来

With the pain that they cure 随着他们治愈的痛苦

Sentimentally yours 感情上你

From Killermont Street 从Killermont街


And with collar upturned 与领上翘

I made it south to see 我曾向南看

That the love I had spurned 那爱我所唾弃

Was just the hate in me 在我还只是恨


As the ships and the steel 由于船舶和钢铁

Slip away to the cry of 'compete' 溜走为竞争的一声

There's a message for us 有一个消息对我们来说

We can get there by bus 我们可以通过公交车到达那里

From Killermont Street 从Killermont街

歌词 Killermont Street 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/killermont-street/

歌词 Killermont Street 的作者与版权信息:


Roddy Frame


Dartmill Ltd.