歌词 "Kickin' Wing, Animal Doctor" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Kickin' Wing, Animal Doctor



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

We haven't had this much 我们还没有这么多

Fun since spring break '96, 因为春假96乐趣,

That's right I said it, let's do this, oh yeah. 这是对的,我说的话,让我们做到这一点,哦耶。

I'm rockin' I'm rollin, I'm ready to go, 我摇滚我罗林,我已经准备好了,

I'm up on the stage I'm singing the notes. 我在舞台上,我唱的音符。

Are you ready to get lost tonight, 你准备好今晚输了,

And lose all control? 而失去了所有的控制?

When in doubt, when in doubt, 如果有疑问,有疑问时,

He will save you. 他会救你。

And you can be what 而且你可以什么

You found on my head, 你找到我的头上,

I'll tape this up and tear it down, 我的录像带和撕裂下来,

You'll look so wonderful dead. 你会看起来如此美妙的死亡。

I'll tape this up and bring you down, 我的录像带了,把你失望,

This is not a test. 这是不是一个考验。

So sad to see the way that you look at him, 所以,难过地看到,你看他的样子,

I bet you're so vain you like looking thin. 我敢打赌,你太虚荣,你喜欢看瘦。

He sees right through you. 他看透了你。

He sees right through you. 他看透了你。

Come on, tell me the truth, tell me the time. 来吧,跟我说实话,告诉我时间。

This is the life, this is the way, 这就是生活,这就是这样,

That you want me to be. 那你要我。

This is a lie, this is a strike, 这是一个谎言,这是一个好球,

And you don't get three. 而你没有得到三种。

I've taken all this time to 我已经拍了这么长的时间来

Show to you my lines, 展现给你我的台词,

To read to you my rhymes, 读给你我的童谣,

You'll never memorize, 你永远记住,

Please don't forget me. 请不要忘记我。

Now you have taught me 现在你已经教会了我

How to live by grace, 如何靠恩典生活,

And I will do this until my dying day. 我会做到这一点,直到我死去的那一天。

How could I ever fall away from you? 我怎么都落在离你而去?

You taught me how to live like christ, 你教我怎么活得像基督,

And how to show my face in the worst of times, 以及如何显示我的脸在最糟糕的时候,

And all I can say is thank you. 和所有我能说的就是谢谢。

Take it, here I owe you, all of my affection. 拿去吧,在这里我欠你的,我所有的感情。

Take it, here I owe you, all of my affection. 拿去吧,在这里我欠你的,我所有的感情。

歌词 Kickin' Wing, Animal Doctor 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/kickin_-wing-animal-doctor/