歌词 "Katie" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Tumbling curls of green by the stainedglass streaming light 由stainedglass光流翻滚的绿色卷发

And a yellow coloured lampshade used to keep us up all night 和黄色灯罩来让我们整夜

The smile upon your face, the tears upon your cheek 当你脸上的笑容,在你的脸颊的泪水

And the night sky on the window 和窗口上的夜空

Your heart calling out to me. 你的心脏在呼唤我。


Come running home again, Katie 来跑回家再次,凯蒂

Come running home again 来跑回家再

Cross my heart and hope to die 穿过我的心脏,并希望死

Shall I cause another tear from your eye 我将会导致另一个撕裂从你的眼睛


The mirror that won't talk and your nightgown on the door 不会说话的镜子,你的睡衣门

And the old pedal Singer just don't sing no more 和老踏板歌手就是不唱歌没有更多

You can roll the reels for hours 您可以滚动卷轴几个小时

From the movie of this book 这本书的电影

It's a question mark on this heart of mine 这是对我的这个心脏问号

sends an elder back to look. 送长辈回来看看。


Come running home again, Katie 来跑回家再次,凯蒂

Come running home again 来跑回家再

Cross my heart and hope to die 穿过我的心脏,并希望死

Shall I cause another tear from your eye 我将会导致另一个撕裂从你的眼睛

歌词 Katie 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/katie-2/