歌词 "Kami O Shin Juru" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Kami O Shin Juru



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Do you say a prayer 你说祈祷

when your feeling down 当你情绪跌宕

Do you believe that love 你相信爱情

can turn your faith around 可以把你身边的信仰

You're feeling high and low, 你觉得高与低,

but you don't know what to think 但你不知道在想什么

The world is full of saints 这个世界充满了圣人

who live their lives in sin 谁住他们的生活在罪


Don't ask the mirror ball 不要问镜球

you better ask yourself 你最好先问问自己

I think you know the answers 我想你知道答案

but maybe you can't tell 但也许你不知道

You'll see it all so clear 你会看到这一切如此清晰

just take a look inside 只是进去看看吧

The judge you build inside your heart 你建立你的心脏里面的法官

will always be your guide 永远是你的向导


Kami o shin jiru 卡米Ø新骥

Kami o shin jiru 卡米Ø新骥


Another day goes by 又一天的流逝

and so does your life 所以做你的生活

You try to make some sense 你尝试做一些意义

before your time to die 你的时间到死之前

If you feel humility 如果你觉得谦卑

for something that is true 的东西是真实的

You'll find the secrets of this life 你会发现这种生活的秘密

deep inside of you 你内心深处


Kami o shin jiru 卡米Ø新骥

Kami o shin jiru 卡米Ø新骥

Kami o shin jiru 卡米Ø新骥


The innocent won't feel 无辜者不会感到

the judgement day 审判日


Kami o shin jiru 卡米Ø新骥

Kami o shin jiru 卡米Ø新骥

Kami o shin jiru 卡米Ø新骥


The innocent won't feel 无辜者不会感到

the judgement day 审判日

Kami o shin jiru 卡米Ø新骥

Kami o shin jiru 卡米Ø新骥

Kami o shin jiru 卡米Ø新骥


The innocent won't feel 无辜者不会感到

the judgement day 审判日

歌词 Kami O Shin Juru 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/kami-o-shin-juru/