歌词 "Kairos" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Never lost sight of my fate 从来没有忘记我的命运

Many tried to block my ways but persistence kept me going on 许多试图阻止我的方法,但执着让我继续走下去的

Now we trespass the line of time 现在我们非法侵入的时间线

Going back but I´m right here, now and then, all done 回去,但Im就在这里,现在,然后,全部完成


Kairos 关键时刻


Wake the dream and face the facts 唤醒梦想和面对现实

Bridge the gap between the gaps 弥合差距之间的差距

In every blast that starts your mind 在每一个爆炸,开始你的心

You are there and only there you are 你在那里,只有有你


Kairos 关键时刻


The lines are crossed I´m way ahead 该线是交叉Im遥遥领先

Just need to balance the razor´s edge 只需要平衡razors边缘

Nothing can stop us right now 没有什么能阻挡我们现在

Cause it was built from what we gave. That´s right! 因为它是从我们建了。阵营喔,这没错!


Kairos 关键时刻

歌词 Kairos 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/kairos/

歌词 Kairos 的作者与版权信息:


Paulo XistoPinto Jr, Derrick Green, Jean Dolabella, Andreas Rudolf Kisser


Musiconsult Ed.