歌词 "Justice In Ontario" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Justice In Ontario



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Oh you who hail from Ontario 哦,你从谁安大略省冰雹

Know the tale of the Donnelly's Oh 知道的唐纳利的哦故事

Died at the hands of a mob that night 死在暴民手中那一夜

Every child and man by the oil torch light 每个孩子都和人的油火炬之光

Jim Donnelly was no angel sure 吉姆·唐纳利没有天使肯定

But they burned his barn, broke down the door 但是,他们烧毁了他的谷仓,砸开大门

Well the children cried while they killed old Jim 以及孩子们哭了,而他们杀了老詹

Then they killed his wife, then they turned on them 然后他们杀了他的妻子,然后他们打开他们

No judge, no jury, no hangman, no justice in Ontario 没有法官,没有陪审团,没有刽子手,安大略省没有正义

A hundred years or more have turned 一百年以上已转向

And you always hear how much we've learned 而你总是听到多少,我们已经学会

Well a man lay dead in a Port Hope bar 以及一个人在港口的希望吧倒地身亡

And the blood ran red on a hardwood floor 了,血红色的硬木地板

And the big men ran through the nearest door 而大男人跑过就近上门

Only one man knew what had happened for sure 只有一个人知道发生了什么事肯定

Well one and all wore the outlaws' brand 以及一个个都穿上了不法分子“品牌

And the big bikes roared through the Great Northland 和大自行车穿过大北国大吼

When you live on the edge of the law 当你生活在法律的边缘

You know, justice in Ontario 要知道,在安大略省司法

Blue smoke still hung in the air 蓝烟仍挂在空中

No one spoke when the cops got there 没有人说话,当警察到达那里

Well the local constable made the call 以及当地的警员发出的呼吁

Send us Corporal Terry Hall 给我们发下士特里馆

They all sang a different tune 他们都唱各的调

When Corporal Hall walked in the room 当下士厅在房间里走了

With his picture book and a list of names 随着他的图画书和名称的列表

One by one the witnesses came 一个接一个的证人来了

And they told him what he wanted to know 他们告诉他,他想知道的

Justice in Ontario 法官在安大略省

The provincial cops searched far and wide 省警察搜查无远弗届

And the outlaws ran but they could not hide 与歹徒跑了,但他们不能躲

And they brought em in every single one 于是他们把时间在每一个人

Save the man who actually fired the gun 保存该男子究竟是谁开的枪

It was down in London, they were tried 这是在伦敦下跌,他们试图

And the guilty man stood free outside 而有罪的人站在外面自由

When he took the stand to pay his debt 当他拿着立场支付他的债务

The judge was blind and the jury deaf 法官是个瞎子和聋子评委

In Kingston Town they're locked up still 金斯敦镇他们关起来仍

When the sun goes down and the air is chill 当太阳下山,空气寒意

You could swear you heard Jim Donnelly's ghost cry 你能发誓你听说过吉姆·唐纳利的鬼叫声

"Justice In Ontario" “法官在安大略省”

歌词 Justice In Ontario 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/justice-in-ontario/