歌词 "Just To Prove My Love To You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Just To Prove My Love To You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I could walk across Kansas in a New York minute 我可以在纽约分钟步行穿过堪萨斯州

Climb the Colorado mountains in the fall 攀登科罗拉多州山区的秋天

Crawl through Arizona like a flat land lizard 亚利桑那州通过抓取像平地蜥蜴

If I thought it'd do me any good at all 如果我认为它会做我任何好处可言

I could swim lake Erie with my hands tied behind me 我可以游湖伊利用我的双手绑在我身后

Eat a west Virginia coal miner's shoes 吃了西弗吉尼亚州煤矿工人的鞋

Drink the Mississippi river if it took a month of Sundays 喝密西西比河如果一个月星期日发生

Just to prove my love to you 只是为了证明我对你的爱


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

I remember well the first time I kissed you 我记得很清楚,我第一次吻你

Cuss things ain't been the same ever since CUSS东西是不是原来的样子自从

You got me thinkin' I could eat a ten-penny nail 你让我想的,我可以吃了10便士钉

And spit out a barbed wire fence 并吐出了铁丝网

Well there ain't a living creature gonna ever come between us 那么有没有一种生物会真的来临,我们之间

I fight lions snakes and gorillas too 我拼狮蛇和大猩猩太

If that ain't enough I'd start it all over 如果这还不够我会从它遍布

Just to prove my love to you 只是为了证明我对你的爱


I could ride my pony through the eye of a hurricane 我可以通过一个飓风眼骑小马

Climb mount everest on a string 攀登珠穆朗玛峰上的绳子

Jump Niagara falls in a burnin' barrel 跳尼亚加拉大瀑布在燃尽的桶

And bring ya back a hoop smoke ring 并把雅回圈烟圈

Wrestle alligators in the Okefenokee 在奥克弗诺基鳄鱼搏斗

There's nothin' that I wouldn't do 有没什么,我不会做

If you just say the word 如果你只说一句话

I'd catch that great speckled bird 我赶上了伟大的斑点鸟

And bring it back to you 并把它带回来给你


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

I remember well the first time I kissed you 我记得很清楚,我第一次吻你

'cause things ain't been the same ever since 因为事情不都是一样自从

You got me thinking I could eat a ten-penny nail 你让我想我可以吃了10便士钉

And spit out a barbed wire fence 并吐出了铁丝网

Well there ain't a living creature gonna ever come between us 那么有没有一种生物会真的来临,我们之间

I fight lions snakes and gorillas too 我拼狮蛇和大猩猩太

If that ain't enough I'd start it all over 如果这还不够我会从它遍布

Just to prove my love to you 只是为了证明我对你的爱


I could walk across Kansas in a New York minute 我可以在纽约分钟步行穿过堪萨斯州

Climb the Colorado mountains in the fall 攀登科罗拉多州山区的秋天

Crawl through Arizona like a flat land lizard 亚利桑那州通过抓取像平地蜥蜴

If I thought it'd do me any good at all 如果我认为它会做我任何好处可言

I could swim lake Erie with my hands tied behind me 我可以游湖伊利用我的双手绑在我身后

Eat a west Virginia coal miner's shoes 吃了西弗吉尼亚州煤矿工人的鞋

歌词 Just To Prove My Love To You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/just-to-prove-my-love-to-you/

歌词 Just To Prove My Love To You 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:Other songs
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3 Biggest Lies In The World
Bright Morning Light
Child Of God
Cocaine Carolina
Cum Stains On The Pillow
Dear Penis
Fish Aren't Biting Today
Free My Mind
Fuck Anita Bryant
Headed For The Country
If I Knew
If That Ain't Country - Part 2
Jimmy Buffett Doesn't Live In Key West Anymore
Just To Prove My Love To You
Linda Lovelace
Little Orphan Annie
Looking In The Mirror
Lovin' You Comes So Natural
Lyin' Comes So Easy To Your Lips
Master Bation Blues
Meanwhile Back In Memphis
Mississippi Woman
Niggerhatin' Me
Now I Lay Me Down To Cheat
Old Grey Goose Is Dead
Please Come To Boston
Pledging My Love
Pussy Whipped Again
Ride 'em Cowboy
Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town
Shackles And Chains
Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay
Southern Star
Tanya Montana
The Devil Went Down To Jamaica
The Rodeo Song
Thief In My Bedroom
Things Look So Different From The Sky
Vibrator Queen
Waylon Willie And Me
Wild Irish Rose
By My Side
Walk On Water
Where My Mouth Is
The Fighter
Be The One
Letting Down My Guard
Cold Start
Bet She Can't
You're My Thrill
The Right To Love
Make A Prayer
Things You Say
Falling Into Ashes
Don't Get Sand In It
Going To The Top
Keep The Candle Burning
Through All That Nothing
Now The World
Just In Case It Happens, Yes Indeed
This Life
Silver Ships
Second To No One
Never Enough
Flex 36
歌词 Just To Prove My Love To You 的作者与版权信息:


David Allan Coe


Universal Music - Careers