歌词 "Just Like Greta" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Just Like Greta



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Some days it gets completely crazy 有些日子变得彻底疯狂

And I feel like howling at the moon 我觉得像对牛弹琴

Then sometimes it feels so easy 然后,有时候感觉那么容易

Like I was born with a silver spoon 像我天生富贵


Other times you just can't reach me 其他时候,你就不能达到我

Seems like I've got a heart of stone 好像我有石头的心脏

Guess I need my solitude 我想我需要我的孤独

And I have to make it on my own 我必须让我自己


Well I guess I'm going A.W.O.L. 嗯,我想我会A.W.O.L.

Disconnect my telephone 拔掉我的电话

Just like Greta Garbo 就像葛丽泰·嘉宝

I want to be alone 我想一个人呆着


Need to make some real connection 需要做一些实际的连接

Baby something's just got to give 宝宝的东西只是得给

'Cos I've been too long in exile 因为我已经太长时间流亡

I've been grinding at the mill 我一直在推磨


Too long to decode all the secrets 太长解码所有的秘密

Have to get some elbow room 有得到一些肘部空间

Most people think that everything 大多数人认为这一切

Is just what they assume 正是他们承担


Well I know I'm going A.W.O.L. 嗯,我知道我要去A.W.O.L.

Tell everyone I'm not at home 告诉大家,我不在家

Just like Greta Garbo 就像葛丽泰·嘉宝

I just want to be alone 我只是想一个人呆着


Well I'm going out to L.A. 好了,我要出去洛杉矶

I wanna get my business done 我想要让我的生意做

Then I'm going on to Vegas 然后我要去拉斯维加斯

Then I'm going on the run 然后,我会在奔跑


If anybody asks you have you seen me 如果有人问你,你见过我

Please just tell them no 请直接告诉他们没有

'Cos I'm living on the outside 因为我现在住在外面

And I have nowhere to go 我无处可去


Well I guess I'm going A.W.O.L. 嗯,我想我会A.W.O.L.

Disconnect my telephone 拔掉我的电话

Just like Greta Garbo 就像葛丽泰·嘉宝

I just want to be alone 我只是想一个人呆着


I just want to be alone 我只是想一个人呆着

Disconnect my telephone 拔掉我的电话

Just like Greta Garbo 就像葛丽泰·嘉宝

I just want to be alone 我只是想一个人呆着

歌词 Just Like Greta 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/just-like-greta/