歌词 "Just For You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Just For You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Yo, are you ready for this one 哟,你准备好这一个


Gonna mix blend rip up the track 会搭配的混合撕毁轨道

New determination can you feel that 新确定你能感觉到

We fly on Virgin to countries and back 我们对处女飞个国家和背部

Talk the talk as we wave the flag 谈谈话,因为我们挥动国旗

Now how you liking that 现在,你怎么喜欢那

Distribute likes stores in a street 分发喜欢的商店一条街

Where people of the town are so quick to speech ya, greet ya, teach ya 凡镇人这么快就讲话你,迎接你,教雅

I'm just Alesha, now I'm getting stressed, more pressure, more debts 我只是爱丽莎,现在我就在强调,更多的压力,更多的债务

I'm just trying to make a living for me, free ya mind and let people be 我只是想谋生对我来说,自由雅心,让人们可以

Why does there always have to be jealousy 为什么总是有要嫉妒

There's nuff room for you and nuff room for me 有这份厚礼室为你和这份厚礼的房间给我

I'm gonna be flip this script just one more time I'm a... 我会是翻转这个脚本只是一个更多的时间我是...


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

We ain't going nowhere 我们是不是无处可去

We're staying right here 我们住在这里

Cause we do it just for you and that's the truth 因为我们这样做只为你,这就是真相

We ain't going nowhere 我们是不是无处可去

We're UK's finest, brightest shining stars 我们是英国最优秀的,最亮的星星闪耀


It's Su-Elise and now it's time for me to say my piece 这是苏埃莉斯,现在是时候让我说我的作品

And you should know hold it down for the south everywhere we go 你应该知道,按住为南无处不在,我们去

Gonna wreck the UK cause that's my home 会毁了英国引起这就是我的家

Sometimes my peeps they be tripping and that OK 有时候,我的窥视,他们被绊倒,并且确定

It's just words and that's this game 这只是文字,这就是这个游戏

Never care 'bout the money, never asked for the fame 从来不在乎回合的钱,从来不问为名利

Su-Elise one out of three as long as there's a group that you call Mis-Teeq 苏Elise的三分之一的,只要有您致电误Teeq一组

You'll regret the day you ever doubted me 你会后悔你曾经怀疑过我的日子

Quiet but deadly if you really wanna know ask me 安静,但致命的,如果你真的想知道问我

Never rude maybe a little feisty 千万不要粗鲁也许有点争强好胜

I thought you knew, bad gals move in silence 我以为你知道,坏加仑移动沉寂


[Chorus] [合唱]


La di la di da di when it come to B I rock the party 香格里拉迪拉迪大地的时候才来的BI摇滚派对

So throw ya hands in the air everybody 所以扔雅双手在空气中的每个人

I'm a throw it one time for the party 我是把它一次党

Oh my gosh got love for the ones who hold it down for me 哦,我的天哪有爱那些谁按住了我

Oh my gosh got love for my sisters and the real MC's 哦,我的天哪有爱我的姐妹和真正的三菱商事的

Love the mic but I choose to sing 爱麦克风,但我选择唱

Now let me take ya back to the old skool beat 现在,让我把雅回到了老斯库尔拍

Sabrina yeah you know I'm sexy and you know it 萨布丽娜是啊,你知道我的性感,你知道它

And the way I spit can't nobody do it better so 我吐的方式没有人能做到更好,所以


[Chorus: repeat to end] [合唱:重复结束]

歌词 Just For You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/just-for-you-1/

歌词 Just For You 的作者与版权信息:


Su-Elise Michelle Nash, Rishpal Singh Rekhi, Sabrina Frederica Washington, Alesha Anjanette Dixon


Universal Music Publishing Ltd.