歌词 "Just Arrived" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Just Arrived



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Spoken:] [口语: ]

Her name is... Lola! 她的名字是......萝拉!

She's from Tulsa.. yeah! 她是从塔尔萨..是啊!

Just arrived, two suitcases in hand 初来乍到,两个手手提箱

And a dream in her heart 而在她的心脏梦


Just arrived track seventeen 刚刚抵达轨道17

All the way from Tulsa Okla-nowhere 所有的塔尔萨的方式俄克拉何马州,无处

Where's her chauffeured limousine? 哪里是她的司机的豪华轿车?

Where's the marching band? 哪来的军乐队?

Just in time to take the town 只是在时间采取镇

And though her knees are shaking 虽然她的膝盖在发抖

She's making her stand 她让她的立场


It all starts now 这一切都从现在开始

I can see her name in neon 我可以看到她在霓虹灯的名字

I won't allow 我不会允许

Anyone to disagree 任何人不同意

Don't ask me how 不要问我怎么

But before too long 但不久

She'll be on some marquee 她会在某些字幕

New York or bust! 纽约或胸围!

She's just arrived! 她刚到!


Just arrived track seventeen 刚刚抵达轨道17

(Just arrived track twenty four) (刚到轨道24 )

All the way from Tulsa Oklahoma 所有的俄克拉何马州塔尔萨的方式

(All the way from St. Paul, Minnesota) (均来自明尼苏达州圣保罗市的方式)

(All the way from Fargo, North Dakota) (所有的法戈的路上,北达科他州)

Though she's still a little green 虽然她仍然是一个小绿

(Marching through the open door) (通过开门行进)

When she left, she left her past behind 当她离开时,她离开了她的身后过去

(Wonder what she'll find) (不知道她会发现)

Just imagine, here she is the girl from work 试想一下,在这里,她是从工作的女孩

(The soda jerk) (苏打混蛋)

(The groc'ry clerk) (该grocry业务员)


The kid they all made fun of 这孩子,他们都取笑

Is one of a kind 是独一无二的


It all starts now 这一切都从现在开始

Look who's currently appearing 看看谁的出现,目前

This girl's a wow 这个女孩的一个令人叫绝

All the magazines agree 所有杂志同意

She'll take her bow 她会带她的弓

And the world will all be cheering, wait and see 和世界都将欢呼,观望

New York or bust 纽约或破产

She's just arrived 她初来乍到


Hey! 嘿!

(Hey! which way's uptown?) (嘿!哪种方式的住宅区? )

Somebody said they're auditioning for "south pacific" 有人说,他们正在试镜“南太平洋”

(Where's the palace?) (哪来的宫殿? )

Say! 说!

(Hey!, she's from Dallas!) (嘿!,她是从达拉斯! )

Somewhere I read they need lookers and she looks terrific 我曾读到他们需要周围的人,她看起来很棒

(That one's Alice!) (一个人的爱丽丝! )

This is her moment 这是她的那一刻

(Hey, world here I come!) (嘿,世界我来了! )

She knows it she can taste it 她知道她可以品尝它

And she sure ain't gonna waste it 她肯定是不会浪费时间

Cause it's time she faced it 因为这时候她面对这


It all starts now 这一切都从现在开始

(Right now!) (现在! )

I can see her name in neon 我可以看到她在霓虹灯的名字

(I can see her name in blazing neon) (我可以看到她在炽烈的霓虹灯名)

This girl's a wow 这个女孩的一个令人叫绝

(And how!) (以及如何! )

All the magazines agree 所有杂志同意

(No way anyone would dare to disagree) (没办法任何人敢不同意)

She'll take her bow 她会带她的弓

(Oh, wow!) (哦,哇! )

And before too long she'll be on some marquee 而不久,她就可以在某些字幕


Gathering dust 尘封

She just survived 她只是存活

Now, New York or bust 现在,纽约或破产

She's just arrived! 她刚到!

Hey world 嘿世界

She's just arrived! 她刚到!

歌词 Just Arrived 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/just-arrived/

歌词 Just Arrived 的作者与版权信息:


Bruce H. Sussman, Jack A. Feldman, Barry Manilow


Camp Songs Music, Universal Music - Careers, Appoggiatura Music Inc., Bmpi Music