歌词 "Johnny Wanna Live" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Johnny Wanna Live



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I got something on my mind 我得到的东西在我心中

Makes me sad and makes me cry - oh no 让我伤心,让我哭了 - 哦,不

Johnny wanna live 约翰尼想趁活着


Just an ordinary day 只是一个普通的日子

An animal will pass away - oh no 动物会绕道走 - 哦,不

Johnny wanna live 约翰尼想趁活着


Who's to say he got no rights 谁在说他有没有权利

Even not a right to life 即使没有生命权

Don't know why it leaves you cold 不知道为什么离开你冷

Don't know how to make it show - oh no 不知道如何使它显示 - 哦,不

Johnny wanna live 约翰尼想趁活着

Johnny wanna live 约翰尼想趁活着


Got to give his skin away 必须给他的皮肤远离

For coats the wear on summer days - oh no 对于大衣在夏天穿 - 哦,不

Johnny wanna live 约翰尼想趁活着


Beauty aid and all the rest 美容援助和所有其余的

Come directly from a test - oh no 直接来自测试 - 哦,不

Johnny wanna live 约翰尼想趁活着


Through his eyes I look inside his heart 通过他的眼睛,我进去看看他的心脏

He can feel like me and you 他感觉自己就像是我和你

Can't defend himself cause he can't talk 不能为自己辩护,因为他无法说话


And this is why I talk to you 这就是为什么我和你说话


Johnny isn't just a name 约翰尼不只是一个名字

He stands for every creature's pain - on no 他代表每一个生物的痛苦 - 在没有

Johnny wanna live 约翰尼想趁活着

Johnny wanna live 约翰尼想趁活着


Go an try to look inside his heart 去一个尝试看看在他的心脏

You can find your own mistakes 你可以找到你自己的错误

Try to hide them thinking he can't talk 试图隐藏他们以为他不会说话

But he can read them on your face 但他可以阅读你的脸


Tell me why it leaves you cold 告诉我为什么离开你冷

I swear 我发誓

I'm gonna to make it show - oh no 我要让它显示 - 哦,不

Johnny wanna live 约翰尼想趁活着

Johnny wanna live... 约翰尼想住...

歌词 Johnny Wanna Live 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/johnny-wanna-live/

歌词 Johnny Wanna Live 的作者与版权信息:


Klaus Kirschburger, Klaus Hirschburger, Frank Peterson, Frank Peter, Michael Cretu


Edition Data Alfa, GEMA