歌词 "Joga" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

all the accidents that happen 所有发生的意外

follow the dot 按照点

coinsidense makes sense coinsidense有道理

only with you 只有你

you don't have to speak 你没有说话

i feel 我觉得

emotional landscapes 情感的风景

they puzzle me 他们迷惑了我


then the riddle gets solved and you push me up to this: 然后谜语得到解决,你推我到这一点:


...state of emergency... ......紧急状态...

...how beatuiful to be!... ......怎么beatuiful是! ...

...state of emergency... ......紧急状态...

...is where i want to be... ......是我想成为...


all that no-one sees 所有的,没有人看见

you see 你看

what's inside of me 什么是我的内心

every nerve that hurts you heal 每一根神经都在疼你医治

deep inside of me 我的内心深处

you don't have to speak - i feel 你没有说话 - 我觉得

emotional landscapes 情感的风景

they puzzle me 他们迷惑了我

confuse 混淆


then the riddle gets solved and you push me up to this: 然后谜语得到解决,你推我到这一点:


...state of emergency... ......紧急状态...

...how beatuiful to be!... ......怎么beatuiful是! ...

...state of emergency... ......紧急状态...

...is where i want to be... ......是我想成为...


...state of emergency... ......紧急状态...


...state of emergency... ......紧急状态...

歌词 Joga 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/joga-1/

歌词 Joga 的作者与版权信息:


Bjork Gudmundsdottir, Sirgurjon Birgir Sigurdsson, Lars von Trier


Zen Music Publishing-aps, Polygram Music Publishing Ltd. Gb