歌词 "Jericho" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:K.D. LANG

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I'll try to keep myself open up to you 我会尽量让自己开放给你

That's a promise that I made to love 这是我做的爱的承诺

When it was new 当它是新的

"Just like Jericho" I said “就像耶利哥”我说:

"Let these walls come tumbling down" “让这些墙壁轰然倒塌”

I said it like I finally found the way 我说喜欢我终于找到了办法

To keep the good feelings alive 为了保持良好的心情活着

I said it like it was something to strive for 我说这好像是奔头儿


I'll try to keep myself open up to you 我会尽量让自己开放给你

And approve your self expression 并批准你的自我表达

I need that, too 我需要的,也

I need your confidence, baby 我需要你的信心,宝贝

And the gift of your extra time 和你额外的时间礼物

In turn I'll give you mine 反过来,我给你我的

Sweet darling, it's a rich exchange 甜亲爱的,这是一个丰富的交流

It seems to me 在我看来

It's a warm arrangement! 这是一个温暖的安排!


Anyone will tell you 有人会告诉你

Just how hard it is to make and keep a friend 这是多么难做出和保持朋友

Maybe they'll short sell you 也许他们会很短卖给你

Or maybe it's you 或者,也许这就是你

Judas, in the end 犹大,到底

When you just can no longer pretend 当你只是不能再假装

That you're getting what you need 你得到你所需要的

Or you're giving out anything for them to grow and feed on 或者你给了什么让他们成长和食


I'll try to keep myself open up to you 我会尽量让自己开放给你

It gets easier and easier to do 它变得更容易,更容易做

Just like Jericho 就像耶利哥

Let these walls come tumbling down now 让这些墙壁轰然倒塌,现在

Let them fall right on the ground 让他们倒下的权利在地上

Let all these dogs go running free 让这些狗去跑步免费

The wild and the gentle dogs 野生的和温柔的狗

Kenneled in me Kenneled在我

歌词 Jericho 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/jericho-3/

歌词 Jericho 的作者与版权信息:


Joni Mitchell


Crazy Crow Music