歌词 "Jane" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Looks like she came from the sixties 貌似她从六十年代

Wearing flowers in her hair 戴花她的头发

Still in love with Sgt. Pepper 还爱着军士。胡椒

Seen it all 'cos she was there 看到这一切因为她在那里

Saving up her memories for another rainy day - Jane 保存了她的回忆,又未雨绸缪 - 简


Sending out an invitation 发送邀请

Tries to hide her dream affair 试图掩盖她的梦想的事

Confidential information 机密信息

Making headlines everywhere 成为头条新闻无处不在

She could tell the truth and watch the words get 她能说实话,看的话得到

re-arranged - Jane 重新排列 - 简


Look at all these nowhere people 看看这些人无处

Little piggies everywhere 小小猪无处不在

Never keeps their name or number 永远不要保留自己的名称或编号

String of pearls that she can't wear 珍珠串,她不能穿

One day all her secrets might be in the news 有一天,她所有的秘密,可能是在新闻

again - Jane 再 - 简

Saving up her memories for another rainy day - Jane 保存了她的回忆,又未雨绸缪 - 简


One day all her secrets might be in the news 有一天,她所有的秘密,可能是在新闻

again - Jane 再 - 简

歌词 Jane 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/jane-4/

歌词 Jane 的作者与版权信息:


Steven Page, Natalie Barowitz, Paula Cox, Emma Bell, John Fredrick Spinks, Belinda Cullen


Fresh Baked Goods Inc., Emi Music Publishing Ltd., Polygram Int. Publishing Inc., John Spinks, WB Music Corp.