歌词 "It's Saturday" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

It's Saturday



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Mom I'm dyin' 妈妈我快要枯萎

I'm dizzy and fryin' 我晕和fryin “

My throat hurts 我的喉咙疼

I think I should stay in bed 我觉得我应该留在床上


Cause I got some kind of disease 因为我有某种疾病

And there are no remedies 而且没有补救措施

Think I should stay in bed today 想我今天应该卧床休息

Maybe tomorrow go out and play 也许明天出去玩

It's Saturday 这是星期六


With Ginseng 随着人参

And fresh squeezed juice 和鲜榨果汁

Of wheat-grass 小麦草

Oh, and some hot chicken soup 哦,还有一些热鸡汤

That just might keep me alive 这可能只是让我的生命

A couple days 几天


But I've got some kind of disease 但我有某种疾病

And there are no remedies 而且没有补救措施

Think I'll join Timothy Leary 想我会加入蒂莫西·利瑞

In a cryogenic freeze 在低温冻结

Next Saturday 下周六


Yeah I've got some kind of disease 是的,我已经得到了某种疾病

And there are no remedies 而且没有补救措施

Shoulda listened when you said beware 当你说要小心早该听

Of horny girls with New Jersey hair 角质女孩新泽西发

Last Saturday 上周六

歌词 It's Saturday 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/it_s-saturday/

歌词 It's Saturday 的作者与版权信息:


John K. Wozniak


Wozniak Publishing, WB Music Corp.