歌词 "It's Late" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

It's Late



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

It's late 这晚

we gotta get on home 我们得给上家

it's late 它的晚

we've been gone too long. 我们已经走了太长时间。

Too bad 太糟糕了

we should have checked our time 我们应该检查我们的时间


Can't phone 不能打电话

we've done spent ev'ry dime. 我们已经做了花了内心的每一次​​毛钱。

It's late 这晚

we're 'bout to run out of gas 我们回合跑出来的气体


It's late 这晚

we gotta get home fast. 我们得回家快。

Can't speed 不能加速

we're in a slow down zone 我们正处在一个减速带


Baby 婴儿

look at that clock 看那个钟

why can't it be wrqng? 为什么不能将wrqng ?

If we could have left home at a quarter to mne 如果我们能离开家在季度跨国公司


We would have had fun and plenty of time 我们将不得不乐趣和足够的时间


But we got started just a little bit late 但是,我们开始了只是一点点晚


I hope this won't be our last date. 我希望这不会是我们的最后日期。

Look up 抬头

is that the moon we see 是月亮,我们看到


Can't be 不能

looks like that sun to me 看起来就像是太阳给我


It's late 这晚

I hate to face your dad 我不想面对你的爸爸


Too bad 太糟糕了

I know he's gonna be mad 我知道他会被气死


It's late 这晚

we gotta get on home 我们得给上家


It's late 这晚

we've been gone too long. 我们已经走了太长时间。

It's late 这晚

we're 'bout to run out of gas 我们回合跑出来的气体

. . . 。 。 。

It's late 这晚

we gotta get on home 我们得给上家


It's late 这晚

we've been gone too long. 我们已经走了太长时间。

It's late. 现在已经晚了。

歌词 It's Late 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/it_s-late/