歌词 "It's Easy" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

It's Easy



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

If you need a woman, in bed with you 如果你需要一个女人,在床上你

Tell her in front, what you can do 告诉她在前面,你可以做什么

It's easy 这很容易

Easy as pie 易如反掌

You don't have to BS her, you don't have to lie 你不必BS她,你没有说谎

If you play the guitar, it won't be long, you'll be writin' 如果你弹吉他,也不会很长,你会以创作“

And singin' them songs 与欢唱他们的歌

It's easy 这很容易

Easy you bet 方便你打赌

You'll be big, if you don't quit 你会是很大的,如果你不退出


If you feel kinda lonesome, no friends in sight 如果你觉得有点寂寞,看不到朋友

Get yourself a dog, it will be all right 让自己的狗,它会没事的

Get yourself two, lucky you 让自己两个,你真幸运

One thing nice, it'll be there twice to love you 有一点不错,这将是有两次我爱你

It's so easy 就是这么简单

Getting through these times 通过获取这些时间

So easy 那么容易

With your life in mind 带着你的生活


If a woman thinks she's ugly, or always depressed 如果一个女人认为她丑,或者总是郁闷

She can go out and buy herself a new dress 她可以走出去,自己买一套新衣服

It's easy 这很容易

Easy my friend 方便我的朋友

Solves all of her problems, that's for sure 解决她所有的问题,这是肯定的

It's so easy 就是这么简单

Getting through these times 通过获取这些时间

So easy 那么容易

With your life in mind 带着你的生活


If cash is your problem, you might regret 如果资金是你的问题,你可能会后悔

Use that old plastic, slide two third in debt 使用旧塑料,滑动三分之二的债务

It's easy 这很容易

Easy you see 很容易看到

If tomorrow never comes, everything is free 如果明天永远不会到来,一切都是免费的

So easy 那么容易

Getting through these times 通过获取这些时间

So easy 那么容易

With your life in mind 带着你的生活

It's so easy 就是这么简单

Getting through these times 通过获取这些时间

So easy 那么容易

With your life in mind 带着你的生活

歌词 It's Easy 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/it_s-easy-1/