歌词 "It's Alright" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

It's Alright



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Should I stay, should I go, I can’t make up my mind anymore 我应该留下来,​​我应该去,我不能让我的心灵了

She’s walking round the corner, I’ve got my back to the wall 她走在拐角处,我有我的背墙


Yes you’re telling me, it’s alright, it’s alright 是的,你告诉我,这是正常的,这是正常的

Yes you’re telling me, it’s fine, it’s alright 是的,你告诉我,这是罚款,这是正常的


Life is like a jigsaw, sometimes it’s all over the floor 人生就像拼图,有时是满地

When the pieces fit together, you feel a thing you’ve never felt before 当碎片组合在一起,你会觉得你以前从来没有感觉到的事


You’re telling me it’s alright, it’s alright 你告诉我这是正常的,这是正常的

Yes you’re telling me, it’s fine, it’s alright 是的,你告诉我,这是罚款,这是正常的


Who’s that banging on my door? 那是谁在敲打我的门?

I look outside the sky’s painted the floor 我看着外面天空的彩绘地板

I think were safe I think were fine 我觉得很安全,我认为都很好

The moments here, the feelings right, it’s alright 这里的时刻,感受正确的,这是正常的

歌词 It's Alright 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/it_s-alright-20/

歌词 It's Alright 的作者与版权信息:


George Craig


Chrysalis Music Ltd.