歌词 "It's All I Have" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

It's All I Have



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Wake up the sun goes down 醒来时太阳下山

This day was shorter 这一天是短

Another day goes by 又一天的流逝

Another day passes by 又过了一天流逝


Wake up and run for the crown 醒来,运行冠

Not now but soon 不是现在,但很快

we'll have a daughter 我们将有一个女儿

Another day goes by 又一天的流逝

Another day passes by 又过了一天流逝


I know it's all I have 我知道这是我的一切

I keep my promises to you in this 我把我的承诺,你在这个

pocket full of holes 口袋里千疮百孔

And I know 我知道,

I know it's all I have 我知道这是我的一切

But you look beautiful 但你看起来很美

in that bracelet of joy 在这欢乐的手镯

You shine when you put on 当你把你闪耀

that necklace of peace 和平的那条项链


Wake up my heavy heart 醒来后我沉重的心脏

Did I just swallow a stone? 难道我只是吞下石头呢?

This day would not go by 这一天也不会去了

Another day on standby 在待机状态下另一天

I woke up out of breath 我醒来的时候出了一口气

Stuck in a dead zone 停留在一个死区

Another day to search the sky 改天搜索天空

Another day with nothing but clouds 又过了一天什么也没有,但云


I know it's all I have 我知道这是我的一切

I keep my promises to you in this 我把我的承诺,你在这个

pocket full of holes 口袋里千疮百孔

Yes I know 是的,我知道

I know it's all I have 我知道这是我的一切

But you look beautiful 但你看起来很美

in that bracelet of joy 在这欢乐的手镯

You shine when you put on 当你把你闪耀

that necklace of peace 和平的那条项链


I know I can't make you wear it 我知道,我不能让你穿上它

But I sure will try 不过,我肯定会尝试

I know I can't make you wear it 我知道,我不能让你穿上它

But I sure will try 不过,我肯定会尝试


I know it's all I have 我知道这是我的一切

I keep my promises to you in this 我把我的承诺,你在这个

pocket full of holes 口袋里千疮百孔

And I know 我知道,

I know it's all I have 我知道这是我的一切

But I can't make you wear it 但我不能让你穿着它

But you look beautiful 但你看起来很美

in that bracelet of joy 在这欢乐的手镯

You shine when you put on 当你把你闪耀

that necklace of peace 和平的那条项链

歌词 It's All I Have 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/it_s-all-i-have/

歌词 It's All I Have 的作者与版权信息:


Howard Benson


Emi Blackwood Music Inc., Sparky Dark Music