歌词 "It's All About You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

It's All About You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I told you when I met you I'd do anything it took to get ya 我告诉你,当我遇见你,我愿意做任何事情所花费的获得亚

Bet you never thought I'd ever take it this far 敢打赌,你从来没有想过我会拿这么远

I work two jobs, but that alright, made up your mind 我的工作两份工作,但没事,做了你的心

To dedicate my whole life to your life, baby your a superstar 奉献我的一生为你的生活,你的宝宝一个超级巨星


[Chorus] [合唱]

It's all about you 这是所有关于你

Everything that I do 我所做的一切

It's all about you 这是所有关于你

My mission in life 我一生的使命

My purpose on earth 我在地球上的目的

to make sure you get all the love you deserve 要确保你得到你应得的爱

It's all about you 这是所有关于你


I buy a dozen roses, box of chocolates, get you tickets to the opera 我去买一打玫瑰,一盒巧克力,你弄到票歌剧

Pavarotti and the monster truck show 帕瓦罗蒂和怪物卡车秀

I'll take you on a carribean cruise, buy you hundred pairs of new shoes 我带你去一个加勒比海邮轮,你买百双新鞋

Dress you up in diamonds, pearls, and all that stuff 扮靓您的钻石,珍珠,和所有的东西


[Chorus] [合唱]


Do what you gotta do, don't worry about me 做你必须做什么,不要为我担心

as long as I got you, that's all I need 只要我得到了你,这就是我需要的

Aint no one no where no how no way no man 是不是任何人任何地方都没怎么没办法,没有人

Gonna work harder for you any day baby, every day 每天会更加努力为你的任何一天的婴儿,


[Chorus] [合唱]


It's all about you 这是所有关于你

歌词 It's All About You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/it_s-all-about-you-1/