歌词 "Issues" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

This is the death of me 这就是我的死亡

I feel it constantly 我觉得它不断

Just like an enemy 就像一个敌人

That wants to see me bleed 想要看到我流血


So I try to be silent, but my words, they explode like hand grenades 所以我尽量保持沉默,但我的话,它们爆炸的手榴弹

I just gotta stay calm, before I let this time bomb blow up in my face 我只是要保持冷静,在我让这个计时炸弹炸掉我的脸


These issues pin me to the floor 这些问题的针我到地板

These issues are my overlord 这些问题是我的太上皇

I feel so dominated 我觉得这么为主

These issues, they choke my like a noose 这些问题,他们呛我就像一个绞索

Issues, they choke me like a noose 的问题,他们呛了我就像一个绞索

Issues, they choke me like a noose 的问题,他们呛了我就像一个绞索


The hounds of Hell, they cry 地狱的猎犬,他们哭

That's how they get to me. 这就是他们如何找到我。

Inject my head with lies 注入我的头用谎言

The pain's astonishing 痛苦的惊人


Like a brick or a stone 像砖或石头

Slowly crushing my bones, 慢慢地粉碎我的骨头,

Sendin' me to my grave 寄来的我到我的坟墓

And it's just a fake 而且它只是一个假的

This life that I made, 这样的生活,我做,

I'm goin' insane 我要去疯狂


These issues pin me to the floor 这些问题的针我到地板

These issues are my overlord 这些问题是我的太上皇

I feel so dominated 我觉得这么为主

These issues, they choke my like a noose 这些问题,他们呛我就像一个绞索

Issues, they choke me like a noose 的问题,他们呛了我就像一个绞索

Issues, they choke me like a noose 的问题,他们呛了我就像一个绞索

Issues 问题

Issues, they choke me like a noose 的问题,他们呛了我就像一个绞索


These issues, pin me to the floor 这些问题,针我到地板

These issues, are my overlord 这些问题,是我的太上皇

I feel so dominated 我觉得这么为主

These issues, they choke me like a noose 这些问题,他们呛了我就像一个绞索

Issues, they choke me like a noose 的问题,他们呛了我就像一个绞索

Issues, they choke me like a noose 的问题,他们呛了我就像一个绞索

Issues, they choke me like a noose 的问题,他们呛了我就像一个绞索

Issues, they choke me like a noose 的问题,他们呛了我就像一个绞索

歌词 Issues 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/issues-1/

歌词 Issues 的作者与版权信息:


Max Green, Bryan Money, Robert Ortiz, Craig Mabbit


Sony/ATV Songs LLC