歌词 "Iron Wheels" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Iron Wheels



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

My father used to work the seam far below the ground 我的父亲曾经工作过的接缝远低于地面

Digging for the coal to melt the steel 挖煤炭融化钢铁

But now he lies a twisted man one foot in the grave 但现在他躺着一个扭曲的人一只脚在坟墓

Just like the iron wheels that took him down 就像铁轮子把他打倒


Just like the iron wheels that took him down 就像铁轮子把他打倒


He used to be the fisherman that sailed the mighty sea 他曾经是金源强大的海上渔民

Searching for the harvest from the deep 搜索从深收获

But now the fleets are rusting hulks anchored at the quay 但现在的车队都生锈废船停泊在码头

Just like the iron wheels that took him down 就像铁轮子把他打倒


Just like the iron wheels that took him down 就像铁轮子把他打倒


He used to be the farming man standing tall and proud 他曾经是养殖男子站在高大和自豪

Working on the land to sow the seed 工作的土地上播下种子

But now the buildings stand in shame rotting on the land 但现在的建筑立在耻辱腐烂在土地上

Just like the iron wheels that took him down 就像铁轮子把他打倒


Just like the iron wheels that took him down 就像铁轮子把他打倒

歌词 Iron Wheels 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/iron-wheels/