歌词 "Interzone" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I walked through the city limits, 我走过的城市范围,

Someone talked me in to do it, 一些人说我这样做,

Attracted by some force within it, 通过在它的一些力量所吸引,

Had to close my eyes to get close to it, 不得不闭上双眼去接近它,

Around a corner where a prophet lay, 围绕一个角落里,先知躺着,

Saw the place where she'd a room to stay, 看到这里她的房间呆的地方,

A wire fence where the children played. 导线栅栏那里的孩子们玩。

Saw the bed where the body lay, 只见床上,身体躺着,

And I was looking for a friend of mine. 我一直在寻找我的一个朋友。

And I had no time to waste. 我没有时间去浪费。

Yeah, looking for some friends of mine. 是啊,找我的一些朋友。


The cars screeched hear the sound on dust, 汽车听到尖叫灰尘的声音,

Heard a noise just a car outside, 听到噪音只是一个车外,

Metallic blue turned red with rust, 金属蓝色变成红色,铁锈,

Pulled in close by the building's side, 拉到附近建筑物的一侧,

In a group all forgotten youth, 在一个组中的所有被遗忘的青春,

Had to think, collect my senses now, 有没有想过,收集我的感觉,现在,

Are turned on to a knife edged view. 通,以刀一柄看法。

Find some places where my friends don't know, 发现一些地方我朋友不知道,

And I was looking for a friend of mine. 我一直在寻找我的一个朋友。

And I had no time to waste. 我没有时间去浪费。

Yeah, looking for some friends of mine. 是啊,找我的一些朋友。


Down the dark streets, the houses looked the same, 顺着黑暗的街道,房子看起来都一样,

Getting darker now, faces look the same, 越来越黑了,脸上神色不变,

And I walked round and round. 我走了一圈又一圈。

No stomach, torn apart, 无胃,四分五裂,

Nail me to a train, 钉箱到一列火车,

Had to think again, 不得不再次思考,

Trying to find a clue, trying to find a way to get out! 试图寻找线索,试图找到一种方式来摆脱!

Trying to move away, had to move away and keep out. 想搬走,只好搬走,远离。


Four, twelve windows, ten in a row, 四, 12窗口, 10连胜,

Behind a wall, well I looked down low, 墙的背后,还有我低头低,

The lights shined like a neon show, 灯光闪耀像霓虹灯秀,

Inserted deep felt a warmer glow, 插深感到温暖的光芒,

No place to stop, no place to go, 没地方停,没地方去,

No time to lose, had to keep on going, 没有时间可以浪费,必须保持下去,

I guessed they died some time ago. 我猜,他们前一段时间死了。

I guessed they died some time ago. 我猜,他们前一段时间死了。

And I was looking for a friend of mine. 我一直在寻找我的一个朋友。

And I had no time to waste. 我没有时间去浪费。

Yeah, looking for some friends of mine. 是啊,找我的一些朋友。

歌词 Interzone 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/interzone/

歌词 Interzone 的作者与版权信息:


Bernard Sumner, Peter Hook, Ian Kevin Curtis, Stephen Paul David Morris


Universal Music Publishing Ltd.