歌词 "In The Past" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

In The Past



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

With the conflict on the outside and the fear within 随着对外界的冲突,并在恐惧

It's hard to find the courage to begin again 这是很难找到重新开始的勇气

I'm one of the downcast and I don't want this to last 我是垂头丧气之一,我不希望这持续


It's in the past 这是在过去的

It's in the past 这是在过去的

It's in the past 这是在过去的

It's in the past 这是在过去的


There's comfort in the knowledge I have reconciled 有舒适的知识我不甘心

Keeping count of the briefs that I have filed 内裤的饲养数量,我已经申请

I'm one of the downcast and I don't want this to last 我是垂头丧气之一,我不希望这持续


It's in the past 这是在过去的

It's in the past 这是在过去的

It's in the past 这是在过去的

It's in the past 这是在过去的

歌词 In The Past 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/in-the-past/