歌词 "In Regards To Myself" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

In Regards To Myself



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Wake up! Wake up! My God! 醒来!醒来!我的上帝!

This is not a test! 这不是考验!

And it's not too late to come clean 而且这还不算太晚和盘托出

Get it off your chest 得到它你的胸部

So steady your hand before your face and concentrate 所以,你的面前稳住你的手,集中

There's got to be some stable ground 我们有了一些稳定的地

Left to walk on 左走


So tear another page from the book 因此,从书中撕下另一个页面

Are you asleep or just alone? 你睡着了,或只是一个人吗?

Clear this room from your lungs 清除这个房间从你的肺


Pull yourself together 振作起来

Pull yourself together, man 振作起来,人

Pull yourself together 振作起来

Pull yourself together 振作起来


On your back, 在你的背上,

You're sleeping in a bed of shame 你睡在一张床上的耻辱

Let the light breath some new life into this room 让光呼吸一些新的生命进入这个房间

It's what keeps you coming back 这是什么让你回来

Made up of insatiable taste 由贪得无厌的味道

Bury your head in your hands 埋葬你的头在你的手中

And sing into yourself 唱成自己


Oh! 哦!


Just what are you so afraid of? 只是你有什么好害怕的?

What are you so afraid of? 你有什么好害怕的?

You're staring truth in the face 你盯着真理的脸

So come on down 所以,下来吧

What are you so afraid of? 你有什么好害怕的?


You're busy living now, aren't you? 你忙的生活了,不是吗?

You're busy making vows 你忙于誓言

You're coming unglued 你来脱胶


Time is shorter than you know 时间短比你知道的

I know the light is blinding to the naked eye 我知道光致盲肉眼

So why don't you take steps away from being alone? 那么,为什么你不跟孤单不采取措施了吗?

I swear, it's not too late for you 我发誓,这是不是已经太晚了


It's all worth reaching for 这一切都值得了深远

It's all worth reaching for 这一切都值得了深远

It's all worth reaching for 这一切都值得了深远

The hand to pull you out 手要拉你出来

It's all worth reaching for 这一切都值得了深远

The hand to pull you out 手要拉你出来


Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! 醒来!醒来!醒来!

And step outside your box 和步骤之外的盒子

Wake up! 醒来!

歌词 In Regards To Myself 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/in-regards-to-myself/

歌词 In Regards To Myself 的作者与版权信息:


Grant Brandell, James Smith, William Spencer Chamberlain, Christopher Dudley, Aaron Gillespie, Timothy Mctague


814 Stops Today, WB Music Corp.