歌词 "In Paris There's A Rumble Under The Ground" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

In Paris There's A Rumble Under The Ground



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词


In Paris there's a rumble under the ground 在巴黎,还有在地面的隆隆声

It's the sound of the printing press 这是印刷机的声音

And like a volcano when it blows 而像火山一样,当它吹

It spews out ideas like confetti, like snow 它喷出了这样的创意纸屑,似雪


[BOY] [男孩]

Read all about it! 阅读所有关于它的内容!

Hold the front page! 握住头版!

The street's a theatre 这条街是一个剧场

Each café... 每一个咖啡馆...



A stage! 的一个阶段!



But under every café awning 但每一个咖啡厅棚下

There appears this papal warning 似乎有这个教皇警告



His Holiness the Pope, I fear 教皇陛下,我担心

Believes the Rights of Man to be a bad idea 认为人的权利是一个坏主意



The pope does not want the rights of Man 教皇不希望人的权利


[COMPANY] [公司简介]

The pope does not want the rights of Man 教皇不希望人的权利



He finds them too profane 他发现他们太亵渎


[COMPANY] [公司简介]

He finds them too profane 他发现他们太亵渎



When a man bites the apple 当一个人咬苹果


[COMPANY] [公司简介]

When a man bites the apple 当一个人咬苹果



He gets a taste for liberty 他得到了自由的滋味


[COMPANY] [公司简介]

He gets a taste for liberty 他得到了自由的滋味



He gets... a taste of liberty 他得到......自由的滋味


[MALE CHORUS] [男声合唱]

He gets... a taste of liberty 他得到......自由的滋味


[ALTAR BOY] [祭台助手]

The Pope declares that it's a sin 教宗宣布它是一种罪过


[MALE CHORUS] [男声合唱]

The pope declares that it's a sin 教宗宣布它是一种罪过



So let us raid the apple tree 因此,让我们突袭苹果树

Although the Pope does not agree 虽然教皇不同意

He blesses us with sleight of hand 他祝福我们与戏法

He doesn’t want the Rights of Man 他不希望人的权利


[ALTAR BOY] [祭台助手]

The Pope declares that it's a sin 教宗宣布它是一种罪过


[MALE CHORUS] [男声合唱]

The Pope declares that it's a sin 教宗宣布它是一种罪过



The Pope declares that it's... a sin 教宗宣布它是......一种罪过

People are sharing the apples 人们分享的苹果

The Pope says Bless You but it's still a sin 教宗说,上帝保佑你,但它仍然是一种罪过


[COMPANY] [公司简介]

The Pope says Bless You but it's still a sin 教宗说,上帝保佑你,但它仍然是一种罪过



The Pope gives his blessing with sleight of hand 教宗给他的祝福与戏法


[COMPANY] [公司简介]

The Pope gives his blessing with sleight of hand 教宗给他的祝福与戏法



He doesn't want the 他不想要的



Rights... of Man 权利......人的


[ALTAR BOY] [祭台助手]

The Pope declares that it's a sin 教宗宣布它是一种罪过


[MALE CHORUS] [男声合唱]

The Pope declares that it's a sin 教宗宣布它是一种罪过



But the Pop can change his mind like that 但流行音乐可以改变他的想法一样,

Like trying on a different hat 喜欢尝试在不同的帽子

Turning on the stars above and politics and God and love 打开上面的和政治的,在神和爱的星星

Turning like an apple that shrivels on the sand 至于像枯萎在沙滩上一个苹果

And when the core is rotten 而当其核心是烂

No one tastes the Rights of Man 没有人口味人的权利



You never taste the Rights of Man... 你永远无法体会人的权利......


[CHORUS] [合唱]

He does not want the Rights of Man 他不希望人的权利

The Pope does not want the Rights of Man 教皇不希望人的权利

He's made his stand 他做了他的立场

He washes his hands 他洗他的手

The Pope does not... want the Rights of Man 教皇不希望......人的权利



Nothing but a prayer to hope for 不过祈祷希望的

Nothing but a little wine to dream 只是一个小酒的梦想

Nothing for this hunger but a handful of grain 没有这种饥饿感,但极少数的粮食

The horizon always the same 地平线总是相同



Rooted in this earth 植根于这个地球

Like our parents dead and gone 就像我们的父母死了

Like the trees which are our emblem 像这些都是我们的会徽树

The horizon just goes on and on 天边刚刚推移和

We'll change it with a forest 我们将用林改



The olive and the oak tree 橄榄树和橡树

Will be our flags 将是我们的旗帜


[Curtain] [窗帘]

歌词 In Paris There's A Rumble Under The Ground 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/in-paris-there_s-a-rumble-under-the-ground/

歌词 In Paris There's A Rumble Under The Ground 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:《Ça Ira》
  • 专辑年份:2005
  • 类别:album
A Garden In Vienna 1765
Madame Antoine, Madame Antoine
Kings, Sticks And Birds
Honest Bird, Simple Bird
I Want To Be King
Let Us Break All The Shields
The Grievances Of The People
France In Disarray
To Laugh Is To Know How To Live
Slavers, Landlords, Bigots At Your Door
The Fall Of The Bastille
To Freeze In The Dead Of Night
So To The Streets In The Pouring Rain
Dances And Marches
Now Hear Ye!
Flushed With Wine
The Letter
My Dear Cousin Bourbon Of Spain
The Ship Of State Is All At Sea
Silver, Sugar And Indigo
To The Windward Isles
The Papal Edict
In Paris There's A Rumble Under The Ground
The Fugitive King
But The Marquis Of Boulli Has A Trump Card Up His Sleeve
To Take Your Hat Off
The Echoes Never Fade From That Fusillade
The Commune De Paris
Vive La Commune De Paris
The National Assembly Is Confused
The Execution Of Louis Capet
Adieu Louis For You It's Over
Marie Antoinette / The Last Night On Earth
Adieu My Good And Tender Sister
And In The Bushes Where They Survive
Under The Radar
The New Evolution
Love Profusion
Ground Zero
Highway Unicorn (Road To Love)
Winning Ground
Island Lover
Two Way Traffic
Love Safari
Shake Shake Shake
You're My Thrill
The Right To Love
Make A Prayer
Things You Say
Falling Into Ashes
Don't Get Sand In It
Going To The Top
Keep The Candle Burning
Through All That Nothing
Now The World
Just In Case It Happens, Yes Indeed
This Life
Silver Ships
Second To No One
Never Enough
Flex 36