歌词 "In My Fashion" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

In My Fashion



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

In my fashion I have been a good man 以我的方式我一直是个好人

I have loved and I have lost 我曾经爱过,我已经失去了

Ever after I will be remembered 以往我会记得以后

In my fashion, in my way 以我的方式,我的方式

There have been times, I have seen the reaper 曾经有段时间,我已经看到了死神

In the bad times, and in the good 在萧条时期,而在良好的

I have bent down, I have touched the ground 我弯下腰,我已经碰到地面

Saying prayers and touching wood 说的祈祷和感人的木材


In my fashion, I have been a father 以我的方式,我一直是父亲

I have loved and been loved in return 我曾经爱过和被爱过的回报

From the ashes, I have kept the homefires 从灰烬中,我一直在homefires

Burning after all was said and done 毕竟烧说过和做过


Now take a look at me 现在来看看我

Do I look like the kind of guy 你看我像那种人

The kinda fool who went to school 该有点糊弄谁去上学

And had to stand on a stool, 只好站在凳子上,

Because he couldn't come t' terms with a slide rule 因为他不能来T条款与计算尺

Take a look around again 再看看周围

Is it any different now than it was then 难道有什么不同,现在比那时


In my fashion I have been a good man 以我的方式我一直是个好人

I have loved and I have lost 我曾经爱过,我已经失去了

And ever after I will be remembered 和以往我会记得以后

In my fashion, in my way 以我的方式,我的方式

歌词 In My Fashion 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/in-my-fashion/

歌词 In My Fashion 的作者与版权信息:


Gordon Lightfoot


Discoton Musik Ed. Gmbh, WB Music Corp.