歌词 "Imagine" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Imagine there's no heaven 想象一下,有没有天堂

It's easy if you try 这很容易,如果你尝试

No hell below us 我们下面没有地狱

Above us only sky 我们头顶上只有一片蓝天

Imagine all the people 想象一下,所有的人

Living for today... 生活在今天...

Imagine there's no countries 想象一下,有没有国家

It isn't hard to do 这并不难做到

Nothing to kill or die for 没什么可杀死或死

And no religion too 并没有太多的宗教

Imagine all the people 想象一下,所有的人

Living life in peace... 居住生活在和平...

You may say I'm a dreamer 你可能会说我是一个梦想家

But I'm not the only one 但我不是唯一一个

I hope someday you'll join us 我希望有一天你能加入我们

And the world will be as one 而世界将是为一个

Imagine no possessions 试想一下,没有财产

I wonder if you can 我不知道,如果你能

No need for greed or hunger 无需贪婪或饥饿

A brotherhood of man 男子的兄弟

Imagine all the people 想象一下,所有的人

Sharing all the world... 分享了所有的世界...

You may say I'm a dreamer 你可能会说我是一个梦想家

But I'm not the only one 但我不是唯一一个

I hope someday you'll join us 我希望有一天你能加入我们

And the world will live as one 而世界将居住为一体

歌词 Imagine 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/imagine-25/

歌词 Imagine 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:Other songs
A Son Fortissimo... Canta Fio
A Volte Nevica A Giugno
All You Need Is Love
Ballantime Mood
Before You Accuse Me
Careoche (Gimme Some Loving)
Con Questi Chiari Di Luna...
Di Sole E D'Azzurro
Diamante (English Version)
E Cosi Viene Natale
Eppure Non T'Amo
Eres Mi Religion
Every Breath You Take
Everybody's Got To Learn Sometime
Everybody's Talking
Free Man
From Now On
Happy Birthday To Me
Hey Ma'
Ho Bisogno Di Un Sogno
I Want It All
Il Mare Calmo Della Sera
In My Secret Heart
Io Vivo (In Te)
La Casa Della Speranza
La Donna E Mobile
Las Palabras De Amor (The Words Of Love)
Let The Good Times Roll
Levati Di Dosso
Live Like Horses
Luce (Tramonti A Nord Est)
Many Rivers To Cross
Menta E Rosmarino
My Baby Just Cares For Me
My Broken Heart
My Love (Il Volo)
Nessun Dorma
Never Is A Moment
Niente Da Perdere
Non Mi Avrai
Non Mi Avrai (Reprise)
Peace Wanted Just To Be Free
Qui Sait?
Sei Di Mattino
Sempre (E Per) Sempre
Sempre Tornero
Send Me An Angel
She Drives Me Crazy
Silent Night
Someone Else’s Tears
Something Strong
Sono Qui
Succhiando L'Uva
Suona Il Corno
Un Giorno Che Piove
Un Oceano Di Silenzi
Un Sole Dentro Al Cuore
Va', Pensiero
Walzer D'Un Blues
We Are The Champions
We Are The World
What Are We Waiting For
Who Will The Next Fool Be
Just My Imagination
Más Que Un Amigo
Nuits Fauves
Delayed Reaction
Who Would Imagine A King
Who Would Imagine A King
Uncle Bobby & Jason Keaton
I Go To Sleep
Just As Much
You're My Thrill
The Right To Love
Make A Prayer
Things You Say
Falling Into Ashes
Don't Get Sand In It
Going To The Top
Keep The Candle Burning
Through All That Nothing
Now The World
Just In Case It Happens, Yes Indeed
This Life
Silver Ships
Second To No One
Never Enough
Flex 36