歌词 "If It Wasn't For Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

If It Wasn't For Me



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Everyone's saying that you're here for me 每个人都在说,你在这里为我

But you're here for them 但是,你在这里为他们

If it wasn't for me, if it wasn't for me 如果不是因为我,如果不是因为我

Then you would even not know them 然后,你甚至会不认识他们


You move in those circles 您将在这些圈子

For a brand new squeeze 对于一个全新的挤

For an average girls with bad teeth 对于一个普通的女孩与坏牙

You'd do anything to please 你愿意做任何事情来取悦


It makes me cringe 这让我畏缩

I'd like to stick a syringe 我想坚持注射器

In your arm 在你的手臂

Sedate you, then berate you 稳重的你,那么你较劲

Trying to make you 想让你

Steer clear from harm 转向不受伤害明显


If it wasn't for me then you wouldn't know them 如果不是因为我,那么你就不会知道他们

If it wasn't for me then you would not know them 如果不是因为我,那么你就不会知道他们

If it wasn't for me then you wouldn't know them 如果不是因为我,那么你就不会知道他们


Everyone's saying that you're here for me 每个人都在说,你在这里为我

And that's rubbish, you're here for them 这就是垃圾,你在这里为他们

If it wasn't for me, if it wasn't for me 如果不是因为我,如果不是因为我

You wouldn't even know them 你甚至不知道它们


You move in those circles, what for? 您将在这些圈子里,是什么呢?

For a brand new squeeze 对于一个全新的挤

For an average girl with a bad fringe 对于一个普通的女孩,一个坏的边缘

Who you'd do anything to please 谁,你愿意做任何事情来取悦


It makes me cringe 这让我畏缩

I'd like to stick a syringe 我想坚持注射器

In your arm 在你的手臂

Sedate you, then berate you 稳重的你,那么你较劲

Trying to make you 想让你

Steer clear from harm 转向不受伤害明显


If it wasn't for me then you wouldn't know them 如果不是因为我,那么你就不会知道他们

If it wasn't for me then you would not know them 如果不是因为我,那么你就不会知道他们

If it wasn't for me then you never know 如果不是因为我,那么你永远不知道

If if wasn't for me then wouldn't know them 如果,如果不是因为我,然后不知道他们

歌词 If It Wasn't For Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/if-it-wasn_t-for-me/

歌词 If It Wasn't For Me 的作者与版权信息:


Liam James Fray


Universal Music Publishing Ltd.