歌词 "If It All Falls Down" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

If It All Falls Down



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I never wanted to be 我从来没有想成为

A man of mystery 一个人的神秘面纱

My life's an open book 我的生活是一个开放的书

by James Joyce and Agatha Christie 由詹姆斯·乔伊斯和阿加莎·克里斯蒂


Sometimes I get confused 有时我感到困惑

Somewhere around page two 地方第二页左右

I live the perfect crime 我住的最好的犯罪

And crime pays more than it used to 犯罪自付超过它曾经


They're checkin' the evidence 他们签的证据

May be come charges pressed 可来压制费

The only one they got me on 唯一的一个,他们让我上

is some misdemeanor craziness 一些轻罪疯狂


If It All Falls Down falls down falls down 如果这一切落下落下落下

If they solve my life if they find me out 如果他们解决了我的生活,如果他们找到我

Never thought to keep all I have found 从来没有想过把所有我已经找到

I hae had my fun If It All Falls Down 我所能有我的乐趣,如果它全部倒下


If It All Falls Down falls down falls down 如果这一切落下落下落下

I hve had my fund I have bought a few rounds í HVE有我的基金我买了几个回合

And been out on the town way out on the town 而一直出城路出城

Way way way out If It All Falls Down 这样的方式方法,如果它全部倒下


Never wanted to be 从没想过要当

A part of history 历史的一部分

I have my days in the sun 我有我的日子在阳光下

A beach bum a man for all sea sides 在海滩游荡的人对所有各方海

Guidance counselor said 辅导老师说,

Your scores are anti-heroic 你的分数是反英雄

Computer recommends 电脑推荐

Hard-drinking calypso poet 硬喝卡吕普索诗人


Studied life at sea 在海上学习生活

Studied life in bars 在酒吧里学习生活

Never passed my S.A.T.'s 从来没有通过我的S.A.T.的

So I thought I'd study extra hard 所以,我想我会学习额外的硬盘


If It All Falls Down falls down falls down 如果这一切落下落下落下

I have learned my trade from the inside out 我已经学会了我的贸易由内而外

I can strum real hard I can play real loud 我可以弹奏真正的辛苦,我可以玩真响亮

I can charm a crowd If It All Falls Down 我可以魅力的人群如果它全部倒下


If It all Falls Down falls down falls down 如果这一切都落下落下落下

I can warm a crowd I can make them shout 我可以温暖一个人群,我可以让他们喊

I can juggle verbs adverbs and nouns 我忙里忙外的动词副词和名词

I can make them dance till they all fall down 我可以让他们跳舞,直到他们都倒下了


We had plenty of doctors 我们有很多的医生

We had plenty of lawyers 我们有很多律师

We had people to make us things 我们有人民,使我们的事

We had people to sell us those things 我们有人民卖给我们这些东西

We didn't have enough room for those things 我们没有足够的空间,这些东西

We build lots of self storage 我们建立了大量的自建仓储

Calypso poet shortage 卡里普索诗人短缺

Calypso poet shortage 卡里普索诗人短缺


If It All Falls Down falls down falls down 如果这一切落下落下落下

I'll have filled that void from city to town 我将填补这一空白,从城市到城镇

I'll have spent my money and taken my bows 我花了我的钱,把我的弓

I'll have had my fun If It All Falls Down 我有我的乐趣,如果它全部倒下

If It All Falls Down falls down falls down 如果这一切落下落下落下

If they solve my life if they find me out 如果他们解决了我的生活,如果他们找到我

Never thought to keep all I have found 从来没有想过把所有我已经找到

I have had my fun If It All Falls Down 我有我的乐趣,如果它全部倒下


If It All Falls Down falls down falls down 如果这一切落下落下落下

I can charm a crowd till they snake danced round 我的魅力人群,直到他们的蛇跳舞轮

With calypso beat down island sound 随着卡里普索打倒岛上的声音

I can make them dance till they all fall down 我可以让他们跳舞,直到他们都倒下了


If It All Falls Down falls down falls down 如果这一切落下落下落下

I can charm a crowd I can make them shout 我的魅力人群,我可以让他们喊

I can juggle verbs adverbs and nouns 我忙里忙外的动词副词和名词

I can make them dance till they all fall down 我可以让他们跳舞,直到他们都倒下了

歌词 If It All Falls Down 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/if-it-all-falls-down/