歌词 "I'm Not Drowning" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I'm Not Drowning



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Black night down heavy on my weary brow 黑夜下重上我的额头疲惫

Light shining in the pouring rain 灯照在瓢泼大雨中

Can see somehow cold comfort in the broken trees 可以看到破碎的树莫名其妙地安慰

But I won't let it bring me to my knees 但我不会让它带我到我的膝盖

I'm not flying, but I'm not drowning now 我不会飞,但我不会淹死,现在


Keep driving, don't matter if the highway's lost 继续行驶,并不重要,如果在高速公路的失落

Keep running, never turn your head 继续运行,永远不会把你的头

Count the cost ghost waiting where the roads all cross 算成本鬼等待那里的道路全部为十字

Big deal waiting when you get to meet the boss 当你得到满足老板大不了的等待

Clouds are breaking, I'm not drowning now 云破,我不是现在溺水

Drowning now.. 现在溺水..


Flying, but I'm not drowning now.. 飞行,但我不会淹死现在..


Sad old man smiling with a shameful grin 伤心的老人与一个可耻的笑容微笑

He thinks that we never can lose 他认为,我们永远不能丧失

Never beat the dealer when he cuts the pack 从来没有打败庄家,当他切包

First back to front, then deal front to back 首先从后到前,后处理前后

Now I'm flying, I'm not drowning now... 现在,我飞,我不会淹死了...

歌词 I'm Not Drowning 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i_m-not-drowning/

歌词 I'm Not Drowning 的作者与版权信息:


Steve Winwood, Peter Godwin


Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.