歌词 "I'm Alive" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I'm Alive



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

When I was locked inside my head 当我被锁在我的脑中

When I was lost in a maze of doubt 当我迷失在怀疑的迷宫

You called my name and woke me up 你叫我的名字,把我吵醒了

You called my name and led me out 你叫我的名字,使我出


And when I chased one more mirage 当我追多一个海市蜃楼

'Til I was tired and parched again 直到我累了,口干舌燥再次

You gave me one more cup to fill 你给我一个再来一杯,以填补

And sent me one more desert rain 并送我一次沙漠雨


I'm alive, I'm on fire 我还活着,我在燃烧

And my spirit burns with desire 而我的灵魂燃烧着欲望

You set me alight, bright eyed 你让我下车,明亮的眼睛

And with no way to hold it inside 并没有办法里面拿着它

I wanted to thank You 我要感谢你

Thank You, thank You 谢谢你,谢谢你


I was sure of all I knew 我确信我所知道的

I knew the world was mine to claim 我知道世界是我的权利要求

I had directions printed out 我已经指示打印出来

And then I hit a wall of shame 然后,我碰了壁的耻辱


Out there alone and left to die 在那里独自离开死

Cut off from You, my sole supply 从你切断了,我唯一的供应

You shed Your tears for me and then 你流着泪对我来说再

You took my hand and raised me high 你拉着我的手,把我养大


I'm alive, I'm on fire 我还活着,我在燃烧

And my spirit burns with desire 而我的灵魂燃烧着欲望

You set me alight, bright eyed 你让我下车,明亮的眼睛

And with no way to hold it inside 并没有办法里面拿着它

I wanted to thank You 我要感谢你

Thank You, thank You 谢谢你,谢谢你


I wanted to thank You 我要感谢你

Thank You, thank You 谢谢你,谢谢你


I wanted to thank You 我要感谢你

Thank You, yeah, thank You 谢谢你,是的,谢谢

I wanted to thank You 我要感谢你

Yeah, thank You, just thank You 是啊,谢谢你,刚才谢谢你


I wanted to thank You 我要感谢你

Yeah, thank You, just thank You 是啊,谢谢你,刚才谢谢你

I wanted to thank You 我要感谢你

Thank You, thank You 谢谢你,谢谢你


I'm alive, I'm on fire 我还活着,我在燃烧

And my spirit burns with desire 而我的灵魂燃烧着欲望

You set me alight, bright eyed 你让我下车,明亮的眼睛

And with no way to hold it inside 并没有办法里面拿着它

I wanted to thank You 我要感谢你

Thank You, thank You 谢谢你,谢谢你


I, I'm alive, I'm on fire 一,我还活着,我在燃烧

And my spirit burns with desire 而我的灵魂燃烧着欲望

You set me alight, bright eyed 你让我下车,明亮的眼睛

And with no way to hold it inside 并没有办法里面拿着它

I wanted to thank You 我要感谢你

Thank You, thank You 谢谢你,谢谢你


I wanted to thank You 我要感谢你

Thank You, thank You 谢谢你,谢谢你

I wanted to thank You 我要感谢你

Thank You, thank You 谢谢你,谢谢你

I wanted to thank You 我要感谢你

Thank You, thank You 谢谢你,谢谢你

歌词 I'm Alive 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i_m-alive-12/

歌词 I'm Alive 的作者与版权信息:


Peter Furler, Steve Taylor


Dawn Treader Music, Soylent Tunes