歌词 "I Took My Strength From You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Took My Strength From You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Knowin' the way the wind was gonna blow 深深地知道的方式,风会吹

That was the way that I'd be goin' 这是我会布莱恩的方式

Too afraid to stand alone 不敢独自站立

Too unsure to ever make my mind up 太不确定要永远做我的脑海里了

Following the crowd was where I'd wind up 随大流是,我想风


Just like the tide keeps changin' with the moon 就像潮水不断了变化“与月亮

Day after day I changed direction 之后一天,我改变了方向日

Tryin' hard to find myself 试着很难找到自己

Wondrin' where my hopes and dreams had gone to Wondrin “在我的希望和梦想去了

There I was, with nothing to hold on to 有我在,没事扶住


Oh, but then I took my strength from you 呵呵,后来我把我的力量来自你

I had none, I had none 我有没有,我什么都没有

And then I took my strength from you 然后我把我的力量来自你

I had none, I had none 我有没有,我什么都没有

Until I met you 直到我遇见了你

Just when I needed your love, I met you 只是当我需要你的爱,我遇见了你

歌词 I Took My Strength From You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-took-my-strength-from-you/

歌词 I Took My Strength From You 的作者与版权信息:


Burt Bacharach, Hal David


Music Sales Corp. O.B.O. New Hidden Valley Music, Casa David LP