歌词 "I Still Believe In Fairy Tales" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Still Believe In Fairy Tales



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I believe in fairy tales 我相信童话

Where knights in shinin' Armour come along 凡在照耀装甲骑士一起走

You were my knight in shining Armour 你是我的骑士穿着闪亮盔甲

And you stole my heart with a song 你中有一首歌偷走了我的心脏


You gave me a castle and a princess 你给了我一个城堡和公主

And I was the world's proudest queen 我是世界上最值得骄傲的女王

And then came the dragon in the bottle 随后而来的是龙在瓶

And I watched as it slowly slayed the king 我看着它慢慢slayed王


And we all live happy never after 我们每个人都生活幸福永远之后

For we just put the castle up for sale 因为我们只是把城堡出售

But I guess that I will always be a dreamer 但我想,我永远是一个梦想家

'Cause I still believe in fairy tales 因为我仍然相信童话

I still believe in fairy tales 我仍然相信童话

歌词 I Still Believe In Fairy Tales 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-still-believe-in-fairy-tales/