歌词 "I Recognise The Light" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Recognise The Light



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I visit South America via a dead í通过一个死访问南美

man’s words: undercover priests 男人的话:卧底牧师

and barren parks. I visit through a 而荒芜的公园。我经历了参观

different man’s images, exercising 不同的人的形象,行使

in his underwear, laminating the 在他的内衣,层压

past. I’ve never been to Mexico 过去的。我从来没有去过墨西哥

City, but I recognise the light. 市,但我认识的光。

I’ve never been to Santiago — 我从来没有去过圣地亚哥 -

its history keeps me up at night. 它的历史让我彻夜难眠。

People sell mobile phone holsters 人家卖手机皮套

in shaded kiosks in an urban 在一个城市的阴影亭

sprawl that moves at a crawl. 扩张的动作在爬行。

I once took a European night train, 我曾经花了欧洲夜火车,

but now I wait for something to 但现在我等待的东西

enter the frame. 输入的帧。

歌词 I Recognise The Light 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-recognise-the-light/